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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Starting Over

I've read over a couple of my old posts.
They're too depressing to handle.
You can find me at the same URL (
Hope you keep reading.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Contemplation of Some Sort

I made my first snow angel today.
I plopped down right in the middle of a school sidewalk and made a God damn snow angel.

The weather outside is fantastic, my desk in our room is right in front of our window seat and I can see the snow falling quickly outside. It's covering everything in this fine, powdery whiteness.

My toes were about to freeze off earlier. I was wearing my favourite pair of flats which I use so often that there's a little hole in the bottom. They sound disgusting, but they really aren't, promise. Anyway, I love being able to see the tracks everyone makes and the whiteness everywhere. It makes me feel so anonymous. I wrote the word dildo in caps on the windshield of someone's car.

I realised also that I'm halfway through my schoolyear here.
It's gone by so quickly.
I'm not ready for it to end, but I always look forward to the next break.
I'm worried about next year, everyone says that usually, your friends change from freshman year. And I really don't want it to be like that. I also feel myself drifting away from friends back home, and not really knowing what to do about it. I'm not exactly sad, yet, just nostalgic. Because it's inevitable.

Me me me me me.

"The world becomes such a romantic notion when I think about the asteroid headed our way."

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happiness is Bottled

I'd explain the title, but then I'd sound like an alkie.
(i'll probably read this over in the future and realise i sound like a four year old).

Anyway, I was recently tagged by the ever-fantastic Ana. So I will:
Share 6 things that make me happy.
Tag 6 bloggers that make me happy.

1. Sitting in cars. I seriously think that I'm anti-claustrophobic. I love it when it's raining outside and you're all cozy in a moving car. I know there's a lot of shitty drivers and stuff on the road, but I just feel so safe. Cars are amazing.
(Cars- Fear Factory)
2. Hair pulling during a hookup. I don't know if it's the somewhat masochistic side of me, but something about it is so hot. Okay, except when hair actually gets pulled out... then it looks like you're a shedder.
(Crazy Bitch- Buckcherry)
3. TJ Moss. I love this man. He is incredibly sweet and he has an incredible voice. I promised to text him next time I'm in the city and we'll get Dunkin Donuts, even if no one ever goes for the donuts anymore.
(It's Over- TJ Moss)
4. Neopets. In the fourth grade, I used to wake up in the middle of the night just so I could play Neopets on our family computer. If you've never played, I would start now. I don't even know what's so amazing/ addictive about it. It's like FaceBook, but BETTER! Neopets is life.
(The Neopets Song)
5. Having deep red nails. I once read an article in an etiquette book about this being the worst colour to paint your nails. It said something about red being the colour of blood symbolising savageness. I don't know about you, but there's definitely something incredibly sensual about that.
(Whatever Lola Wants- Sarah Vaughan [Gotan Project Remix])
6. Numbers that don't involve 6. It isn't even a superstitious thing. I don't even think the number 6 is ugly! I just think it shouldn't be there.
(When You're Evil- Voltaire)

6 Bloggers

1. Karine. A fantastic writer, and always so sweet.
2. Mary Kate. I love the random tidbits on her blog.
3. Raspberry. Always so down to earth.
4. Jocelyn. Pretty much all I need to know about the college experience.
5. Aren. I read this when I need some time to just think.
6. Cate. Great taste in music.

So I finally called out this really hot teacher (I WISH I was in his class) at my school for not knowing my name. It wasn't that random, I mean, we stop and have conversations and stuff, I've just never introduced myself to him. And I know that. I think he just thought that he forgot my name...
The conversation:
Me: Hey!
Him: Hey there (said completely normally, not like he's searching for a name)! How was your break?
Me: It was really good. I got to see all the people I wanted to see.
Him: That's good. How are you?
Me: I'm doing well. You don't know my name.
Him: What? Of course I do.
Me: Um, no, you really don't.
Him: Well, why don't you tell me again, to remind me, ya know?
Me: It's Taffy.
Him: Cool, well I'll remember that. So what's up?
Me: Not much. Um... this is an incredibly awkward conversation. I'll talk to you later.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Sorry I've Been Gone!

Dear Extremely Cool People,

Okay, so I'm so sorry I haven't been reading and commenting on your posts recently! I've just been really busy since I've been back in Houston and the only time I use the internet is to sign on to Facebook to create plans. (and Neopets, shhhh).
But yeah, normality will be reinstored this Sunday (or the Tuesday of that week).



Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My mother:
"I don't know how healthy this is. I want to get her drunk under our surveillance so she see drinking is not good. So she see what happens."

Yeah, right, like I would EVER voluntarily get drunk in front of my parents.
This is why I need to stop asking for alcohol at family dinners.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm Home!

We'll see how this works out.
Sorry that you guys have to keep commenting on the same post, I just have nothing particularly interesting to write about.
(i love my friends, but i personally think it's more fun to read about misfortunes)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Holiday Ball

Not much to say.
Apparently I looked a tad like a blow-up doll?

(I'm the type who would take this as an enormous compliment).

Sandstorm was like a fucking mosh pit.
Not fun in 4& 1/2 inch heels.
Except still extremely, unbelievably exciting.

I also walked into this random creeper at our school and busted my lip...

Two essays due tomorrow.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Walking on Sunshine

So there's this beautiful seniour who goes to my school.
He's a prefect in the freshman boy's dorm.
Let me describe to you how perfect this prefect (sorry, i couldn't help it) is:
+he's on varsity WATER POLO
+he's smart (because he's a prefect)
+he is in arts concentration (actors are generally attractive, eh?)
+he is the leader of student council

Apparently he doesn't associate with freshman, though, so I'm not getting my hopes up. Or at least I'm trying to think realistically. Basically, at the beginning of the year I used to go up to him and go "what's my name?" He'd say "Taffy" and I'd walk off. Then I stopped because I realised that it was probably really annoying and I'd assumed that was the end of the "Taffy-Talking-to-Perfect-Prefect" phase.


Monica and I decided to try out for student- directed scenes the other Wednesday. Basically, one student at the school writes a scene (like from a play) and another one (usually an upperclassman) directs it. I did a monologue.

Just to give you some perspective:
I didn't expect to actually get in. First of all, our school is really intense regarding theater. Several alumni have gone on to win academy awards and shit. Like, I really enjoy acting, but I'm not GOOD enough to continue with it. I mainly auditioned for moral support for Monica, because it sounded fun, and because I found out that Perfect Prefect was one of the student-directors (I obsess). On the slim chance that I would make it, it would be amazing to be in the scene that he was directing.

Monica is a really intense actress. Back in Houston, she was represented by one of Houston's most prestigious agencies, but she left it. To come to boarding school. She handed me a huge stack of scenes and I chose one (not at random). I practiced and then we went to our auditions (I told her to sign me up).

I know for a fact that Monica did really well, and I'm not just saying that in a "I'll never be good enough" kind of way, she's just really good at acting. The next day, during one of our free periods, we went to check the cast list.

No freshmen made the cut.

Hahaha, build up, no? But apparently like... eighty people auditioned, only thirteen made it. So I was okay. Honestly, I really wished Monica had (just as long as she wasn't in Perfect Prefect's, she's already in costuming with him).

Today during community lunch (read sit-down and waste-a-free-period lunch), I was talking to my prefect and Perfect Prefect said my name. "Taffy...?" He said it kind of quietly and the slight pause was for me to turn and acknowledge him, I wasn't sure if he had actually said my name, "You did really well in your audition."
"Oh, thank you."
"We were all talking about it and (something something something... i was too stunned at the moment to remember what he actually said)."
My prefect cut in and said, "Oh, that's funny! I'm pretty sure that's the one where you walked in [to the dorm] and the first thing you said was 'my audition sucked'"
Perfect Prefect: "She was actually excellent."
Me: "Glad you feel that way."
My prefect: "Wait, then why did you say you didn't do well?" (i genuinely thought i hadn't)
Me: "Well... like, I didn't. And (a bit of blathering here)... I don't know. I'll probably try out again in January or something." Then I quickly walked off.

Okay, so now that I'm thinking sanely again, I realise that this moment wasn't that significant. But I figured out that even if I had done really well, Perfect Prefect didn't need to stop me and compliment me. So the basic ending of the story is that: Perfect Prefect does not hate Taffy/ does not find her particularly annoying.

Sorry for the überlong post.