My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Switched my URL

So Julie & CJ just left.
While I was looking at CJ's blog, we tried to log in to her account because I thought I was signed off.

Yeah, they found my blog.

We went out to dinner and that was pretty cool.
I had good ice cream.

so that explains the switched URL.


ellie said...

Thanks for letting me know. Thanks for reading too.

Alice said...

you scared me for a sex...
i mean, sec.

Sydney said...

oh! PHEW!

cady said...

Your blog is interesting. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was close!

I like your new URL :D

Anonymous said...


Ice cream rocks. There is this kickass creamery down the street and they have zee best ice cream. =] Hmm, thats good you didn't delete your blog! I'd suck if somebody I didn't want discovering my blog.

Love and Summer,
Aren xoxo!

Cait said...

Got it changed. Thanks. That must have been some ice cream to change the url to your blog.