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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Today I Became a Woman

Okay, not really.
But I did decide to exfoliate my armpits.

Stupid, stupid, STUPID idea.

They hurt like fuck right now. Wait, no, that's not right, fucking is probably a lot less painful than the burning sensation I'm feeling on my armpits.
I'm not even kidding.
But seriously, what kind of idiot decides to pumice their armpits?

Do they sell Band- aids in Spain? Because I have a feeling that they're gonna start bleeding at any second.

On a lighter (actually darker and shittier) note, I found out that my dad cheated on my mom. Jesus Christ, I can't even look at him right now. I was out with my sister most of the day. I started thinking about this maybe a week ago (my sister was still in New York).

Basically, I have this vague memory of some woman who wasn't my mother closing the door of my parents' room in our old house in the suburbs. I have another memory of this same woman teaching me how to make a bracelet and me liking her, a lot. The last memory is what I think made my mother find out.

We were sitting in the car and this woman was in the front seat. My mother was fucking dropping her off at a hotel for God's sake! I don't know how the conversation came up, but my mother mentioned something about her staying in our guest room. To this I replied, "No, she stayed in you and daddy's room!".


I know that I have issues with my mom, but honestly, I think I love her most out of all the people in my family. And in case I haven't actually described my issues with my mother in this blog, Natalie knows that it goes much deeper than normal teenage angst. My father needs her so much more than she needs him! God, he's just so particular, but she doesn't think he can do any wrong. The problem is, neither does he. I bet you that he probably doesn't think that he did anything bad!

After I asked my sister about this at lunch today, she was talking about a conversation she had with my father. He was talking about what would happen if Frank ever strayed, and she said that he told her not to get too angry or leave him because IT IS JUST IN MEN'S NATURE! What the hell kind of asshole excuse is that? It's not like every living breathing male has the right or even the need to cheat.

God, I'm so glad I'm leaving tomorrow.
I guess I still have to pack, huh?

P.S. I swatted down a wasp's nest using AT&T Yellow Pages. I was scared shitless the whole time.


Sydney said...

just left you a message on your cell... don't know if you got it back by now...

Vera said...

Oh god, that sucks. I'm really sorry.

I hate it when people use the human nature/boys-will-be-boys excuse.

Anyway, I think Nat and I are bringing some bandaids so don't worry too much about that. I can't believe you pumiced your armpits though, geez!

Natalie said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm sorry...

I guess that trip to Spain came in the right time, hm?

Well, I wish you the best!

Raigan said...

that really sucks and I know it doesn't help, but I'm sorry.

my dad walked out when I was 6 months old, go sucky parents!


Natalie said...
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Alice said...

geez tiff.
no offense, but your dad is bastard.
i hope you have fun in spain, even though i sent this msg too late and you are probably already gone!!

Raigan said...

I was being sarcastic


Anonymous said...


Awh! That sucks. Blech. I hope it goes all well in the future. [= And I would be scared shit if I was swatting a nest full of wasp's too!

Hit back

Karen xoxo

Livie23 said...

that really sucks. man, do you at least get to avoid your family when your in spain?

Anonymous said...

That was the funniest story I've heard in ages. Sorry about the pain and all..really, I feel for you.

What kind of Dad would say such a thing?

Cait said...

Hi! Guess What! I have officially tagged you! Here are the rules.

Here are the rules:
- Link the person who tagged you.
- Mention the rules in your blog.
- Tell about 6 funky quirks of yours.
- Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
- Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged and telling them to go to your blog for the details.