My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fucking Devil Frosting

Uggg. So. Sophomore. Hunter.

Makes me kind of angry.

A week ago, I was feeling really down for some reason. Don't ask why, I don't have an explanation. He spent the whole week trying to cheer me up and making comments about frosting. So yeah, Hunter and I:
+walk to sports practice together
+hang out during free periods
+hang out during break (where he generally buys me food)

Seriously, I was approached by a whole bunch of people asking if we were going out. (Jesus, this sounds so pathetic)
And I was starting to like him.
A lot, actually.

So yesterday I ran into him while walking back from the Student Activities Center and he was holding frosting. And walking with some random girl (who I didn't think was that pretty so I didn't really acknowledge because she wasn't that pretty). We had a short frosting conversation in which he mentioned how he sometimes needs to go to Walmart to buy frosting for people who are acting depressed.

I assumed he meant me.

But now that I think about it, he was acting kind of awkward the whole time we saw each other.

No big deal.

Until I was walking into this dorm where all the freshman guys live and he was sitting on a bench outside. With his arm around random, unpretty girl.

Seriously, this was the only reason why I never met up with SBSG. But I'm in dire need of a hookup. And as soon as my friend's sister (who is the all-knowing, all-seeing sophomore girl) gets back with info that's he's only sort of sketch, and not REALLY sketch, I'm going for it.

Next weekend I think I'm fairly unbusy.
This week I have too much shit due.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Recurring Conversation

It was kind of weird earlier.
I was having this sophomore in my physics class check my work,
when all of a sudden,
"I'm sorry, I can't really concentrate right now. You smell really good."

Seriously, the way I smell must have come up in conversation at least five times in the past week. And this sophomore isn't even hot. It was kind of creepy. At the end of class, he ran to catch up with me. It's nice feeling likcd, but still.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Cheek is Itchy

Okay, so, I just got back from New York with Alexandra, Julia, and Monica. We stayed at Alexandra's apartment... which happens to be a four bedroom one... on Park Avenue.
Yeah, they're all pretty much richer than I am.

We went and ate the most delicious food... EVER.
Seriously, next time you're in New York.
Go to
Italian. For the pasta.
asian... for the mesclun salad. and the shabu shabu.
mmm... original. basically frozen yogurt that's actually yogurt.
best. breakfast. ever.
- french toast
- pancakes
lady baltimore=love.
basically Mongolia, but not as famous.
(just with the Upper East siders)

It was amazing.
I was left broke.

And we went to some party.
With and heir to Estee Lauder.

Oh yeah, and you know Matt?
The one with the fork?
He's really good friends with Conrad Hilton.
(THE Conrad Hilton).

Fuck my life.

Um, it was really good. This morning, we met up with a couple of guys from our school who were also in New York to eat breakfast. Which was... love? And shopping. At this place called Intermix. And I saw the most amazing Chloe bag in the world. Which I couldn't afford.

Seriously, I've turned into a whiny little bitch.
It's depressing.

I live a good life.
I don't need to bitch around like this.

It was sort of annoying because on the train ride back, Monica decided to take some really unflattering pictures of me asleep. They'll be up on Facebook some time soon... Julia and Monica also started doing this thing that these three guys in my grade like to do.
"Taffy, take pictcha!"
(asian accent)
I tell Monica it pisses me off.
She can be a little annoying, sometimes.

Just a random juniour i run into at least 20 times a day.
He looks like Channing Tatum & Jonathan Rhys Meyer's love child.
Seriously, this man is beautiful.

Um... SBSG:
Random sightings.
Like... everywhere.
We see each other, we don't say hi.
Or we did once, it was really awkward.
And a second time today. While I was with Hunter.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I don't even know.
Sort of reminds me of Gage.
A shitload.
Except sweeter.
But idk.
I tried to explain this earlier, and tried to sort of end our friendship?
Didn't work.

It was so awkward.
Friday night, we walked to this play thing together.
I had just taken a shower, so I was sniffing my hair.
"Smell it." (me)
"okay... it smells like you always do."
"no, but it smells nice, like you generally smell nice."
"don't read into that"

fucking fuckbastard assface.

I don't even know what's going on.

This was a little disorganised.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Nueva York?

I'm taking an overnight to New York this weekend.
Seriously, this type of thing is SORT of why I'm at boarding school.

Auggg, I'm so excited!
Except for that it means that I'm missing the Asian Association fun night...
(dumplings until TWO in the morning?)

Longer post about... the trip? by Wednesday the next week.

Jesus, I'm running out of money quickly.

sorry sorry sorry.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


So I almost got knifed today.
One of these guys who's in three of my classes, Matt, we sometimes chill. So today during dinner, I promised to go with my friend Becky to get her food. I saw him so I ran up, tapped his head, and went "NICK!" (because he totally looks like a Nick). Bad Idea.

At first he turned around angrily.
I thought he was kidding so I was just like
"Just kidding, MATT"
and then he goes
"I know you know my name is Matt. blah blah blah about how that doesn't matter. I don't know why you hit my head."
"I'm sorry?"
"No. In the city that's a sign of disrespect. If I wasn't at a new school, and I wasn't afraid of getting in trouble, I would have beat the shit out of you."
"oh." scampers off.

And the thing is he isn't even like... from the Bronx or Brooklyn. He's an Upper East Sider. And he's not like a creepy loner, either.

Oh, and we had that whole conversation with him holding up his fork to my neck. Good times.

Um... TK keeps doing the flirt thing after things went back to normal after the dance. I almost don't want to go to this weekend's.

OH! And I met a sophomore named Hunter. Who is adorable. And a soccer guy (favourite). He invited me to sit in the sophomore section today (yes, our school has a 50 year old Freshmen section, Sophomore/Juniour section, and a Seniour section). I said I would if I could have a bite of his Coco Puffs.

Kay, that's all for now. Time to do more work.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

101 Dalmations

Boarding school is so difficult.
Seriously, if I were you I would skip this post.
Essentially, it's me basically complaining the whole time.

I don't have time to hang out with any of my friends (most of whom aren't in any honors classes). I'm the nerd of the group. I've never been the nerd of the group. I even stay in between the breaks during study hours because THERE IS SO MUCH SHIT TO DO. On Monday it was the worst. I literally wanted to curl up into a ball and die. Except then I wouldn't be able to finish my work.

It's so awkward, I've been seeing SBSG everywhere.
Especially after this conversation.
It starts with me seeing him on my way to acting class.

Me: Meeting earlier- way too awkward. I say we schedule another one and have sex or something. Deal? KIDDING.
SBSG: Haha wow your quite the assertive one. I liked this response
Me: You already knew that.
SBSG: U know where my dorm is. Just keep it on the dl. I did not like this response quite as much... Hopefully he was kidding?
Me: Ha, thats a no. Maybe on the third meeting or something. trying to keep the light vibe...
SBSG: I live in ck. I was coming out of there this morning. obviously not.
Me: I meant the sex part, silly. haha, hahaha?
SBSG: Your the one that mentioned it. WHAT IS HE, RETARDED?!
Me: I was kidding. By the way, this is turning into a really awkward conversation.
Me: Respondez-vous, si vout plais.
SBSG: Alright u can give me a call sometime DOUCHE.
Me: Gee, thanks for giving me that option! I'll take it to heart.

Miss you guys.
Hopefully comments this weekend!
If not, you can disown me forever.
I really miss reading y'all's stories!
uggg. i suck.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hi Hi!

100th POST!
I would add stuff celebrating it, but I don't really have all that much to say.
Thanks for reading :)

Just putting that out there.

I'm having fun.
Getting numbers, et cetera.
But I've already taken two quizzes in Spanish and I've only had one day of class!

I'm so sorry for not being able to comment on your recent posts!
There's just so much work and the internet shuts off at eight.
I promise promise promise to try as hard as I can to comment this week.

Which reminds me.
Ever since I've been on campus, I have this habit of repeating words.
"hey hey"
"what, what?"
"yes yes!"
"hi hi!"

yeah... I dunno.

Um... the dance was pretty eventful.
First of all, it was the craziest one I've ever been to.
Because EVERYone on campus goes to this one.
But just the first and second.

First of all, Hurricane (tropical storm) Hanna is up in the New England area so it was raining... a lot. I ended up walking mostly in the rain because it was so much fun :). I went with my group of friends who I will eventually describe... later.

Anyway, my friend Alexandra (who is GORGEOUS) ended up hooking up with this guy like twelve times on the dance floor. I was also with Julia and Monica (who also lives in Houston) and we were avoiding TK grinding with me.

TK... I don't know.
I met him on orientation.
We got real close.
Real fast.

Except now I only like him as a brother.
And we didn't even make out or anything.
He lives near Houston.

Yup. I felt bad.
We would move.

Nuff said.

Seriously, by the end I was drenched in liquid.
Sadly to say, it wasn't rain water.

I think there was more to this post but I forgot.

And I think y'all will be proud of me,
I joined the Asian Association Club.

Maybe I should make an alternate 100th post.
Oh, and Henry called :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008


roomie- not as bad as could be.
friends- the popular ones :)
schoolwork- over three hours and it's just orientation day.
internet- slow, slow, slow.

dance tonight.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Sad Thing About Travel

Is that you usually don't know anybody but your parents.
Seriously, unless you're on a cruise, there's really no way to really meet people.
I ended up becoming friends with the freaking doormen!
(who were hot)

New York is fantastic.
I finally have a hat with earflaps!

And I'm so sorry for not being able to keep up with your stories as of late, I had no way of accessing the internet for the past three days. Apparently I won't have a lot of time to blog in the near future, either, so I'll try to read all of your posts, but if you could leave summaries, that would be great!

Hm... The school is gorgeous. Lush green courtyards, shady trees, it's like a freaking movie, for Gage's (heheh) sake. And my roommate... was in the National Spelling Bee.

So far, I've moved in some of my things, and stole the big closet from her side of the room... Whoops.

Today we went to Walmart to get sheets and stuff... NOT COOL.
Seriously, this town is like... hickville?
(or at least some of the people are. Especially Pat, our checkout lady. Other people are kinda cool. and nice)

Oh, and SBSG has shown interest.
But he seems like the kind of guy who would look at me oddly if I approached him in front of his friends. And would ignore me or give a blase "hey".

Still, I'll humour you with this recent conversation.

SBSG: So how do you like [dorm name]
Me: Maybe you should come visit some time and find out for yourself.
SBSG: Haha, okay, will do. (typos, but they irk me too much to type out)
later on
Me: Your hair looks better short.
SBSG: U look hotter with those glasses on.
Me: aww, shucks.
SBSG: Don't take that the wrong way. U look fine both ways. Me, my hair was only short freshman year.
Me: And when I saw you. And thanks. And youre hot either way (as well), but the short hair's just a preference.
SBSG: Well its short just for you. DOUCHE!
Me: Thanks. I really appreciate that (only half sarcasm)

Oh, and I accidentally put the name Taffy
(which is actually a nickname)
As what I want to be called.
All the time.

(shoots self)