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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

New York is a Money Vacuum

So the whole class thing was cleared up and I escaped sunday-detention free.

New York was amazing.
Total damage: $110

Now I barely have any money for my next two weeks at school... plus I can't ask my mom to put more in my account because she doesn't know that I actually went... Yeah.

But Geisha is absolutely delicious.
And we got breakfast at this restaurant called Maison.
And Pinkberry twice :)
Long story short: taxi rides and food add up.

Oh, and I somehow ended this trip being the owner of a fur coat made from silver fox. What was weird is how entirely simple this came to be.

Julia's Mom: "Taffy, come here sweetie."
Me: "Um... alright"
Julia's Mom: "Well since Julia has this whole anti- fur thing going on, could you do me a favour?"
Me: "Sure, Natalie (Julia's mom's name)."
Julia's Mom: "Would you just go into... that thing and try on the coat?"
Julia: "What thing, mom? People don't really know what you're talking about when you just say thing."
I come out with the coat.
Julia: "It fits reaaaaally nicely."
Julia's Mom: "It needs to be steamed. Taff, let me get that steamed sometime and I'll ship it to you along with a hat or something."

Dude... What?


Anonymous said...

so wait, you get a free coat?!

Anonymous said...


except about the food and taxi rides..glad you had some fun.

Natalie said...


Anonymous said...

OK...I'll do my best to explain Maxie..who is the pic next to the guy that has "josh" in his pic..except he's "ian" (who's Lauren's ex) & Maxie is Laleh's ex...where there is more of a story going on at Laleh & Lauren..aka

Anyway, Maxie is the moment & was pretty much a bully to Simon when they used to go to classes together, but have somehow struck a friendship since coming back. Maxie stays at Laleh's. Hope that helps Maxie is Lou Taylor Pucci & Ian is the lead singer from rooney aka jason schwartzman's bro. In case you were wondering.

great update by the way. always love your tales.

Cate said...

Wow, $110... I'm currently lacking money too because of buying Xmas presents... Ah that's bad about your mum not being able to put more on your account because she didn't know you went. Wow. I'm just realizing this - you went to NEW YORK without your mom's knowledge ^^ Hey, why don't you tell her it's for Christmas presents for your friends? OK, bad idea. I don't wanna make you lie to your mom.
I looked at Geisha's menu. They things there make my mouth water. I have to track down a Japanese restaurant in our town. What did you have?
I also looked at the video about Maison. Breakfast... French breakfast? Croissants? Yum.
Ah, and Pinkberry... I get the idea. I LOVE food.
WOW! What luck about this coat! I mean, isn't a silver fox fur coat really expensive? And a hat, too! You'll look a real lady!

Please tell me what exactly you got to eat!! ^^

ellie said...

What an adventure. Love this post.

Well, I guess it can't be perfect ..everytime you're with the love of your life. Although, I think Ellie had to be there perhaps not just for Eric (who was of course needy which I think he'll wonder about that) but for herself. Its just so many no pun intended..but Ellie spreads herself out when it comes to family and friends and even work. Perhpas she's just too nice.

Smara said...

Im so jealous, i love new york city. im glad you had a nice time :)

Btw, what'd you want to say about cameron? You've got me pree curious now... ahaha

Cait said...

awww..thanks for the note. well, Oliver is a bit like a friend of mine..lacking lots of family backing. Well, me too..come to think of it. you just don't know how lucky you are. really, to be honest with you I actually never knew people quite like you..who could just take off for the weekend. I highly doubt I ever go very far. Especially, in my car. Its just not fun going the few blocks I have to go..on this icy stuff. But that's ok, I like that I can read your adventures from home.

& I thank you for reading.

Cate said...

Thanks for telling me about the food! I'm going to track a Japanese restaurant down here NOW.

Anonymous said...

Well...that's good you don't remember Roger..since I found a new face for him you can see in the cast thingie.. And he'll be in the story more. I mentioned him a while ago..when Ellie thought she saw him, but he was a bit incognito. Honestly, I didn't like roger much when I first thought him up, but hopefully, he'll be interesting.

Thanks for the comment.

Cait said...

does bex know about chris? She's figured it out. She just wishes Max would tell her, but he hasn't and that has upset her.

Smara said...

You know what? I agree with you. Not to sound racist or anything, but Asians are pree cool. At least all the ones i've met :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a great week. Thanks so much for the comment. Yeah, I am making Craig pretty much an asshole lately...

Cate said...

Is it too cold out there to wear shorts? Duh, obviously, if it's fur coat season :) Sorry, I'm losing the overview with America a bit lately because in parts of it the weather's still hot while in other parts it is freezing. Why don't you wear some shorts with striped tights someday? :)

ellie said...

thanks so much for your comments. Hopefully, Roger will be interesting.

Hopefully, Lonnie will get over his depressed period with someone too.

Smara said...

Wait- whats students directors scene?

Anonymous said...

So what are you up to this weekend? Saving money? I hope its a good one. thanks for the comment.

Livie23 said...

haha. thats funny about the coat. XD haha, what I wouldn't give for my parents to be oblivious to the fact I went to NYC. A good friend of mine took me there the day before school started, and both him AND me got ultra-grounded for it. <=] it was pretty fun though. =] 13 DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! =]

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment. well, i'm not sure I'd say Amanda's anti-gay exactly. Perhaps caught off guard & perceiving her own come they are like that..from her own experience, thinking about her own brother. Of course, I think it has a lot to do with the way we're raised. I have one friend who to listen to her ..she just blast away "Its wrong..." but then she found out a friend of ours was who was like her best friend..she was really acceptable about you never know.

Smara said...

Omgsh! That seriously sounds like, REALLY awesome! Good luck with it! :D

& im still really wondering what you wanna say about Cameron. dont hold back girl, just say it :)

Anonymous said...

just how bad was your experience with the Outsiders book? I can't wait to hear that one.

Anonymous said...

You are probably right. She did make the wrong decision about Rhys. But Sasha has strong feelings for him. And the decison was on a whim. Not sure just how long they'll last. But Rhys is a bit at rock bottom. of course, who needs that in their life?

Hope you are having a good week.

Cate said...

Eleven thirty is pretty long huh? Next time I'm going to stay till 12 - the others did too. But I'm going to suggest that next time we do it on a FIRDAY. :)

Cait said...

thanks for the comment. I hope you have a good weekend. I can't believe I'm going to be in a cookie exchange at work. I don't really I'm melting chocolate chips and mixing in cashews and chow mein noodles to make hey stacks.