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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

OH, You Mean Taff? That BAMF!

So I figured I'd open this post with something amusing.

There's this girl who lives on the third floor (where I live), her name is Sophia. She tried to sell me her printer.
Sometimes, you'll go into the bathroom and all of the lights are on but it doesn't look like anyone's in there. (we're really environmentally conscious here, the last person in the bathroom turns out the light). You'll go into a stall to do your business (PEE, YOU DUMB SHIT!). You'll wash your hands. You'll turn out the lights and walk out. Then three seconds later, you'll hear a loud


Oh, Sophia.

What do you do in there?

Last time I walked into the bathroom right after she left it, it smelled like meat.
Ground beef, to be exact.

So I'm going to New York with Julia this weekend.
My parents are very strongly against it.
Normally, I would say "but they can't do anything about it!"
But actually, they can.
Due to the code "2222" next to my name.
(which means I'm a prisoner at the school with my parents' permission)

I have found a way to overcome this!
I forwarded an "e-mail from my mom" to our dean's assistant telling her that I have permission to go to the city.
In actuality, it's a letter listing specific reasons why I'm not allowed to go.
I even let all grammar and articles go to the wind!

Oh, and I accidentally cut class yesterday to have lunch with Matt.
This is getting very bad.
(also, I might miss out on NY because I have Sunday Detention...)

Just to let you know, I was being completely sarcastic throughout this entire post. Never would I refer to myself as a BAMF, even when meant as a compliment, it's an insult.


Anonymous said...

What is she doing in that bathroom...hahahaha...

good luck on the trip. won't syd be in the big apple too?

thanks for the comment. A friend of mine showed me a you tube video of louie garrel & this French guy kissing..we just couldn't get enough of it. Its from Love Songs.

Jocelyn said...

ground beef? that's kinda creepy! Yeah, I hope you have fun in New York. I'm jealous.

Cait said...

You are so funny. I love that sarcastic side of you. Thank you so much for the comments too.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the note..good you are having lunch with Matt..hope you two talk a lot about stuff. Have a magical weekend very bad girl.

ellie said...

oh...bad taffy..bad girl..hope you have some wicked fun in the city. don't do anything i wouldn't do...hahhahahaa...

Cate said...

Haha, that little story is really amusing ^^ And I'm not really sure I want to know why it smells like ground beef after she left the bathroom...

So, you're going to New York now! OMG, I wanna go to New York too... Wow, that trick with the "e-mail from your mom" was clever ^^ Hope you also find a way to get around Sunday Detention! Our P.E. teacher announced that he's be checking when we haven't appeared in class without an excuse too, because he'll be making the final grades, and I think I still have to deliver two excuses... Damn, and I thought he didn't notice someone was missing! I should've known, he's not so dumb.

BAMF? I only know the X-Men character called Bamf! ^^

Cait said...

Thanks for your note. Hope you have a great time in NYC. All that shopping and being with friend. Yeah!

Alice said...

how you gonna go to nueva york if you're stuck in detention?
no cool, no cool. :P
i hope you have fun anyways!

Cate said...

Thanks ^^ The shirt is actually a hand-me-down from my mum's friend's daughter.. Most stuff she gives me is pretty much rubbish, but there are some nice basics among the clothes too.

Smara said...

Hahaha! This post was quite entertaining, im not gunna lie.

HAve fun in ny! :D
That's where i live.

Smara said...

That's a cute song! Thanks for showing it to me :)

The ironic thing is...I'm just getting to be pree good friends with this kid named Zac! Hahaha

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how your trip went.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you're better now, I sort of am, on the brink of getting better. :) Never trust a girl who sells printers and smells like ground beef after using the loo. I think I've loosened up this year with the rules, I've skipped school once or twice this year. New York City! Be sure to scope all the fashion and culture. Hopefully the dentention doesn't cut in on your time in NY