My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


My mother:
"I don't know how healthy this is. I want to get her drunk under our surveillance so she see drinking is not good. So she see what happens."

Yeah, right, like I would EVER voluntarily get drunk in front of my parents.
This is why I need to stop asking for alcohol at family dinners.


Cait said... you didn't get any? Well, I like cherry bombs..which is a little cherry vodka and a lot of coke or pepsi. I only drank one and my boyfriend made it and it was to potent. He doesn't want to see me drunk, either.

Anonymous said...

You've got to get the party started some how....I hope you are having a nice Christmas.

Cate said...

OMG. I would never get drunk under parent surveillance either. Too embarrassing, as if you were a circus clown or something.

Hope you're having a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Here's to some fun this holiday with your friends. Thanks for the feedback. Well, Hart needs to be there for the bait...hahahahaha...

Smara said...

What the heck?
No offense, but that's kind of odd... :/

Merry Christmas!

ellie said...

taffy have you been drinking..just teasing..hope all is well on this Christmas night. Thanks much for the comments.

Ana said...

My parents would give me alchohol, being the european liberal types but I'm allergic.

Cate said...

So this Christmas Eve I only drank orange juice, like always ^^ My parents probably wouldn't give me alcohol. Sometimes they have a fit of liberalism and allow me some, but normally not. I drink alcohol when they can't see it then ^^ Haha. But I was never seriously drunk.

Karine said...


Your mom's theory is not very good.


Besitos taffy!

I wrote new stuff!

Anonymous said...

Thanks ...I'm glad you liked the ending. Hope you are having some fun with your friends. I know they missed you.

Sydney said...


Anonymous said...

OMFG, that was hilarious!
You know, I told my mom the other day that I drink when I go out with my friends, and since then in every dinner at friends and family, she goes like "Razz, try this one. And that one, do you like vodka?"
It's SO embarassing x)

But hey, DON'T get drunk in front of your parents, no matter what. It's a golden rule, haha

Smara said...

Thanks Taffy! :)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment. Hope you hare are having a good week.

Jocelyn said...

haha I love it! Thanks for always commenting taffy! And Hana's house is totally perfect in every way!

Cait said...

Oh..I have a feeling Chloe will be around...somehow..thanks for the note..and I loved the way you worded it.

Smara said...

Haha! I love pictures :)
Most of them dont look like that, they were just being stupid cause Mercedeez wanted to take pictures with them. hahaha

i'll post more later :)

Anonymous said...

Hope the shopping is going swell..& the guys too..thanks for reading & commenting, too.

Anonymous said...

So are you getting to sleep late these days? Hope you are having some fun. Thanks for the feedback.

Cait said...

Yeah, Dayton is rather unpredictable.

Cate said...

Oh, my first comment with my new profile picture ;)
Yeah, the Who sell out must be one of my favourite record covers of all time ^^

Karine said...

Thanks for the comment,dear taffy!


New stuff there!

ou Besitoss

Smara said...


I tagged you in my post, btw :)

Anonymous said...

Cool..that you left me that comment. I really didn't want to be too explicit about what happened..but maybe one could make a guess what happened in the hospital room..

thanks again. Hoping you have a fun new year.

Anonymous said...

Ha! You're adorable!

Have a lovely new year and I'll see you around!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! All the best on your creativity!

Karine said...

Te quiero mucho,mi amiga!


Thanks for the comment!
I hope 2009 is even better for us!



Let me ask you something:
I'm trying to access Sidney Speel and I just CAN'T.They say I'm not invited.
Help meeee


Ana said...

By the way, I tagged you :)

Anonymous said...

Garden state is one favorite moves ever as well. Thanks. =) What did you end up getting on your mid-terms? Awh, damn, srsly? My parents have let me have a sip of champane now and again. But not enough to make me drunk. But, I've had spiked egg nog or punch every so often at parties. About it. Don't get drunk in front of the rents though. :) - Aren