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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Contemplation of Some Sort

I made my first snow angel today.
I plopped down right in the middle of a school sidewalk and made a God damn snow angel.

The weather outside is fantastic, my desk in our room is right in front of our window seat and I can see the snow falling quickly outside. It's covering everything in this fine, powdery whiteness.

My toes were about to freeze off earlier. I was wearing my favourite pair of flats which I use so often that there's a little hole in the bottom. They sound disgusting, but they really aren't, promise. Anyway, I love being able to see the tracks everyone makes and the whiteness everywhere. It makes me feel so anonymous. I wrote the word dildo in caps on the windshield of someone's car.

I realised also that I'm halfway through my schoolyear here.
It's gone by so quickly.
I'm not ready for it to end, but I always look forward to the next break.
I'm worried about next year, everyone says that usually, your friends change from freshman year. And I really don't want it to be like that. I also feel myself drifting away from friends back home, and not really knowing what to do about it. I'm not exactly sad, yet, just nostalgic. Because it's inevitable.

Me me me me me.

"The world becomes such a romantic notion when I think about the asteroid headed our way."


Anonymous said...

an amazing quote to keep in mind...

Yeah, things are ever changing. Really some sweet descriptions about the snow fall. I'm glad you are enjoying it.

ellie said...

I so like this update. We got fresh snow too. It was really nice today. The sun came out..but didn't melt it though. Still cold. Great day for sledding. Only colder tomorrow.

Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Its that time of year to reflect. You are going up so fast and you are seeing a different perspective than a lot of us would about friendships, etc. I hope you this half of the year for you ..will be even better.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Yeah, I do like Geoff and he might even make Dayton more likable. Maybe.

Smara said...

I love snow, too..and I've had a really strong urge to build a snowman lately. Haha

A lot of my friends did change moving up from being a freshman to a sophomore, but you can probably prevent that. Actually, a bunch of us plan on hanging out in a couple weeks to catch up.

My year is just about half way over as well, and no matter how much I look forward to our next day or week off from school, I don't want it to end yet. I'm not ready. Everything is going by WAY TOO FAST..

Anonymous said...

glad you had some fun in the snow..even if you're down..hope you had hot chocolate too.

thanks so much for the feedback. i love hearing from you.

LiNDZ! said...

i want to see snow outside my window! For only like a day. I'm too used to sunshine and sand :)

I wouldnt be too worried about losing your friends. If you truly dont want to grow apart, you most likely wont.

Cate said...

A God damn snow angel, haha ;-)
Here there's more ice on the roads, no snow.
At least something ;-)
AAARGH you wear flats with a hole in them when it's snowing??? =/ My toes are freezing off even with boots.
It's really scary, how fast school drifts by, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

it does feel like the school year is going by fast.


zoƫ said...

only now did i start reading your blog and already i really appreciate it as a whole.

that quote made me smile (which may be worrisome, but hey what can you do !)

and im totally the opposite of you, i cannot wait for my school year to end. and it's my last year of highschool, to boot ! i know though that once it's done i'll probably be so sad but at the moment i am anxiously awaiting graduation.

anyways, lovely post, lovely blog ! xx

Anonymous said...

You're so grown up..I'm glad you still enjoy the little things too..thats what counts.

Anonymous said...

"I wrote the word dildo in caps on the windshield of someone's car."


ellie said...

Thanks so much for the comment. hmmmm..what's next for Lonnie..not sure. & for Kyle..well, I hope he can handle it.

Love your comments.

Hope you have a good week at school & it'll be wonderful rest of the year for you. Its hard with old friends from back home. Hopefully, they'll keep in touch with you.

Cait said...

Oh come up with the best lines. Thanks for the comment..I so enjoyed it.

Natalie said...

i want snow!!!! who's douchebag anonymous? we need to get the damn bottom of this

Anonymous said...

You're not mad are you? More soon..I hope..

Triss Teh said...

Well? Who wrote it?
You, I presume.
and one more person cares