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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm Leaving (pt. II)

So I'm off to New York tomorrow.
We have to do some shopping for winter clothes before my three long months in Connecticut...

I had a goodbye dinner with Alice, Sydney, and Natalie tonight. It was good, the food and such. It wasn't really sad until I said goodbye to each of them. The dinner itself was actually kind of awkward. I still didn't feel like I got enough time to say what I wanted to say to each of them so... I guess I'll say it here?

Um... I'll ask that you only read your message but I doubt that would do any difference. I love each of you equally, though.

Alice- We have been friends for the shortest amount of time, but I feel like I have known you for a while. Our friendship has had many up and downs for a relatively short period of time, but our ups are the best... and we get over our downs with a little bit of cussing and such. I love you so much and I wish I could be at your Quince! I'm glad you are having fun at St. Paul's. Seriously, all of the stuff about popularity... BULLSHIT. I just want you to be happy. I want you to find friends who understand you and love you as much as Natalie, Sydney, and I did. We weren't the most popular, however, we had the most fun BY FAR of any fucking group in our grade. You will go so far in life, just remember me when you do.

Sydney- I think I've been friends with you for the longest if you don't include the period of time where you left our cozy little school. And when you first came back with your bitter attitude towards me due to a previous scissor fight... I'm sorry I get annoyed with you over little things. Actually, you are the best. Ever. Seriously, I don't think those fucking ribbons would get any use without you spaztically waving them all over the place. I can't believe you're almost getting taller than  me! I can tell everything to you without you judging. You're like my own crazy doctor. Eventually, I'll begin trying to bum Adderall off of you, and it's up to you to tell me no. I'll miss your talkativeness and ability to un-awkardize any moment. Thank you for always being an amazing friend to me, even when I'm being a freak. And thank you for always rationalizing situations and telling me the truth when I need it. Keep up the art, you faggot.

Natalie- We became friends over your (and now my) Angry Friend's love of popcorn. Medium-length. Although, I think we've gone through a lot. Sorry for the ending of this summer, it was weird. And I don't think our friendship will ever go back to the way it was. But that isn't exactly a bad thing... We're stronger. I'll miss you so much, you have no idea. It was hard not to cry in front of you while we were saying goodbye but I didn't want you to be sad while you were in the car. I really hope that I'll find someone else I can talk about boobs with so lightly, but I doubt that will happen. And for some reason, I'm also okay with that. Because that is something that's so signaturely you. I'll also miss the awkward, unintentional boob grazes, and also the equally awkward, intentional boob hits. Hopefully the five bajillion (just kidding, maybe like... three) kids you have in the future won't have a problem breast feeding (sorry, I couldn't help that). You'll make a great mom. And homemaker.

So yeah.

Suck it.
(said to all three)


Anonymous said...

Thats so good that you had a goodbye dinner with them. Hope you got pictures and lots of talk time.

Thanks for reading. & I love your comments. Always. Have a great time up north...or back east.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for reading. yeah, i really like nelson, too. I hope you have a good trip back. loved reading about you and your friends getting together for your send off. All the best.

Anonymous said...

aw...hate to see you go. hope all will be well back at school.

i loved hearing from you and reading about your adventures of summer.

thanks for reading about ellie & eric. i'll do my best to keep them together.

thanks again.

Sydney said...

taffy. This is the best. I can tell you how much I will miss the breast grazes.


Anonymous said...

3 months in Connecticut? that's a long time! hope its fun :)

Natalie said...

aww thanks taff... i started crying when i got into my car! :'(

Alice said...

me too!
i love you taffy! you are ammmaazing.

Anonymous said...

I love the suck it part at the end lol. It made the sad post a little less sad. Have lots of fun in Connecticut!

Livie23 said...

thats nice that you got to have a goodbye dinner even if you didnt get to say what you wanted to until now. enjoy conncecticut. =]
- Liv

Anonymous said...

Aww, I almost cried when I read this. Stupid hormones of mine!

Goodbyes are horrible. But focus on good things. This is no goodbye. It will test your relationships, but it won't destroy them.
You know what they say: what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.

Enjoy shopping in NY (I would =P)
You'll have a laptop w/ internet access over there, right?

Karine said...

Tell us the news!


Kisses,my friend!