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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I'm Leaving

So the cool thing about boarding school is that the week before you leave is packed. It's nice feeling busy :). And loved. (no, I'm not depressed or anything).

Even though my roommate sucks. And hates neon colours.
(SERIOUSLY, what's up with that?)

Anyway, I'm going to hang out with Calvin this Monday. Which I would be excited about if it wasn't for what I'm going to tell you next.

I had discussed Calvin's coming over with him over the phone. Essentially, the three big points are that a. natalie's 5-foot-1-ex's mom would have to drop him off; b. that or both him & gage & calvin would have to come; and c. I DO NOT WANT GAGE TO COME.

Seriously, ever since he started high school, Gage has become an even bigger asshole than normal! He's cockier (was I stupid to assume it would get better?) and a lot more annoying. So yeah, I no longer even have an odd affection for him. I just don't like him. At all. I am going to fucking kill that kid.

Anyway, he texted me on Friday.
Gage: Hey! WHATS UP!!! he's rarely this enthusiastic
Me: Not much. Um, I have to go pack. Bye. bullshit. i was walking around aimlessly through stein mart.
Gage: Why have you been so moody towards me lately?
Me: I haven't been. I do seriously need to pack, though. I'm leaving in a week.
Gage: I know, so when are we going to hang out?
Me: Um, I'm really busy all weekend. 
Gage: Can't you squeeze me in?
Me: I'll see you at the yearbook signing.
Gage: Wat about Monday?
Me: eyes widened... You talked to Calvin?
Gage: Ya
Me: Ha.
no reply...
Me: If you want to come monday, come monday.
Gage: Okay.


Oh, yes, he does!

I got Sydney to text him about it.
What I've learned:
+he knows we're not fighting and that I just dislike him
+he's not actually kidding about coming
+he knows I don't want him there
+he's coming just to say "bye"
+he's probably staying for as long as Calvin is

And on top of this, I'm trying to help Taylor decide his major!


Anonymous said...

so much to look forward too...hahahaha..

hope it goes better than you think. stay positive..

Sydney said...

ughh should i ask him about it?

Anonymous said...

hope Monday goes good :) and cute blog.

Anonymous said...

Good luck..I know you can handle it..won't you have syd to help too?

Alice said...

freaking gage is so annoying!
is he that much of a loser?
that doesn't listen when people say FUCK OFF?
geez. he makes me pissy.