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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Monday, August 11, 2008

In Case You Were Wondering...

Copied from Cady's Blog.

001. real name → y'all know me as Taffy :)
002. nickname → taff?
003. single or taken → single
004. zodiac sign → saggitarius
005. male or female → female.
006. elementary → it's anonymous :)
007. middle → anonymouuuuuuuuuuussss (same school)
008. highschool → boarding school in connecticut.
010. long or short → long nails. long hair. long.
011. are you a health freak → god, that would make everything more convenient.
012. height → 5'3...
013. do you have a crush on someone → multiple.
014. do you like yourself → occasionally.
015 piercings → ears.
016. tattoos → eventually.
017. righty or lefty → right.

018. first surgery → can't really think of any.
019. first piercing → eight.
020. first best friend → Kerri!
021. first award → best in class, chinese school :)
022. first sport you joined → chinese dance
023. first pet → fish. moon-star or something?
024. first vacation → taiwan, probably
025. first concert → aaron carter! (it was free and we were driving to florida, this was after he was uncool)
026. first crush → Morgan :)

027. eating → cereal?
028. drinking → milk...
029. i'm about to → sit on the computer/ hang with sydney.
030. listening to → dig- incubus
031. wearing → cheap-o tank top, adidas shorts.
032. mood → chillfrustrated.

033. want kids → nope.
034. want to get married → probably not...
035. careers in mind? → anything that lets me slack. oh god, this is how i begin my life as... shit.
036. see yourself in 4 years → legal.
037. college → harvard. (probably not, too much... work)

038. lips or eyes → eyes. blue.
039. hugs or kisses → kisses.
040. shorter or taller → tall. er.
041. romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous.
042. nice stomach or nice arms → how can you have one without the other?
043. sensitive or loud → loud? what is that... like... drunk?
044. hook-up or relationship → hook-ups are fun. so are relationships... i like both.
045. trouble maker or hesitant → trouble maker.

HAVE YOU EVER: (god, this made me feel so unaccomplished)
046. kissed a stranger → hahahaha
047. drank bubbles → um... yeah?
048. lost glasses/contacts → nope.
049. ran away from home → for like an hour...
050. broken any bones → nope.
051. broken someone's heart → nope.
051. been arrested → nope.
052. turned someone down → roy, henry s., pierce (the second and third time)... wow, 2008 is the year of the turn- downs!
053. cried when someone died → yes.
054 liked a friend → all the time :) (male friends, MALE FRIENDS)
055. drank egg nog → actually, never.
056. gone to therapy → ha, once.
057. played spin the bottle → spin the phone?
058. toilet papered someone's house → aww, i used to all the time.
059. liked someone but never told them → ha, yes!
060. spied on someone → hehehe.
061. stolen anything → oh god... i went through a shoplifting phase when i was ten.
062. gone camping → utah, colorado, GIRL SCOUTS (YES!)
063. had a crush on your sister's friend → heh, yes. except they're all twice my age.
064. gone to a nude beach → espana, baby.
065. gone streaking → god, YES. (nat!)
066. had a stalker → oh, the stalkers... just sort of roy. i'm usually the stalker.
067. gone skinny dipping → every summer.
068. laughed so hard you cried → mhmm mhmm mhmm. then peed :)
069. gone to a party → NOOOOO.
070. been in love → been in... obsession mode :)
071. felt betrayed by your best friend → sometimes. it's usually a misunderstanding.
072. lied to your parents → frequently.
073. been out of the us → yup
074. thrown up from working out → nope. dry-gagged...
075. gotten a haircut so bad that you wore hat → hahah, gave myself a haircut so bad... wait, no, it was a "bang trim"
076. 3 meals from 3 different fast food places → ?
077. done anything hurtful to your classmate → hahaha, oh god, the sam yin-yang sign.
078. been cheated on by someone → um... halfway? not really.

079. yourself → at times.
080. miracles → yes yes yes yes.
081. love at first sight → lust at first sight.
082. heaven → i don't know.
083. santa clause → i wish.
084. angels → i don't know.
085. kissing on the first date → yes yes yes yes.
086. sex before marriage → um... yes?

087. is there one or more people you want to be with right now → kind of halfway.
088. had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time → nope :)
089. do you believe in God → ...

090. smell → special shirt :)
091. sound → i have to hear it to know... rain, i think.
092. movie → fight club
093. clothing item → mens' long sleeved, button-down shirts.
094. clothing store → i don't really have one.

095. still talk with the first person you dated → not really (morgan), never (dylan)
096. are you obsessed with someone → my readers know.
097. best thing about your job → none. (no job, if i actually went than... money?)
098. like more than one person right now → kind of sort of.
099. any compliments today → haven't really seen anyone today.
100. next vacation → new york!
101. friends guys or girls → friends.
102. own any furniture from ikea → a couple of chairs...
103. last book you read → breaking dawn
104. super power → mind reading.
105. lived most of your life → texas.
106. why is the sky blue → ions or some shit.
107. last song you listened to → drive- incubus...
108. if you could be anywhere right now where would it be → room 417
109. mood atm → still chillfrustrated. kind of sick.
110. plans for tomorrow → shopping?
111. last time you slept for more then 12 hours → a week ago.


Anonymous said...

"046. kissed a stranger → hahahaha"

OMG who??!

Anonymous said...

This was sweet. I have no idea if I've ever slept 12 hours. Doubtful.

Thanks for giving me a laugh today when I saw that comment. Oh what fun.

Karine said...

You got to have pacience to answer all that!


I wrote new stuff!


Anonymous said...

lovn' the survey.

Oh..he won't be that creepy..just a little.

ellie said...

Cool survey. How long did it take to fill out?

Rex and sex..just couldn't help myself.

Karine said...

Thanks for the comment!
Mona & Henry are very close now.

My story is coming to an end!


I wrote a new part!

Anonymous said...

030. listening to → dig- incubus

OH GOSH, I love that song! Tom and I call it our song :)

This was interesting, I might take it someday ^^

Anonymous said...

cute blog :)