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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My Hands Smell Like Butterpiss

Today I went to the mall with Bex. 

We were supposed to go to Fitzgerald's, but turns out no one was playing. That would have been awkward...

It was fun. We shopped for like, the first hour, and went on a quest to find the perfect pair of Rainbows. I like the thin straps in the lightest colour. Nordstroms, Pac Sun, and Journey's didn't have the ones I want! Geez, I almost killed someone.

Eventually we got tired so we went to eat at Chick- Fil- A. I decided to get the "new" chick-n strips (or whatever). They taste exactly like the old ones... Next time I'm getting nuggets. Then we went to this furniture display and sat in the bunk beds. Then we got kicked out. By a sassy black man.

Oh, and I was supposed to meet up with IDG... 
Here's how it went:
I texted him Monday night asking him if he was free.
Response? "I might be doing something extremely sexy and important. I'll try to squeeze you in".

Oh goodie.

Tuesday I asked him if he knew anything about Fitz.  Short convo about that...

Today our conversation went:
Me: I'm at the [mall] from 3 till... Idk. Are you?
Me: Idk is seven.
constant phone checking...
By six, I was fed up.
Me: [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]! Please quit being an ass face (albeit an attractive one) for an hour.
I was not at all prepared for the response.
IDG: What? I'm busy. What do you want?
heart palpitations...
Me: Oh, sorry, thought you were just being suckish.
IDG: And I cant really go anywhere. I have no car here.
Me: Um, yeah, sorry for pissing you off. Promise not to bother you in a while.

This is where we got kicked off the bunk beds.
"Wait, you aren't allowed to sit up here?"
"NOOOOOOOO!" (said in sassy, saucy black voice)

Bex and I ended up in Limited Too... buying candy.
I was ranting about my newfound hatred of IDG.
(which I do frequently, apparently)
IDG: Not botherin. Just making impossible requests.
Taffy jumps up into the air and squeals. Bex shakes head.
Me: That makes me feel better. I think. maybe ill visit you tomorrow but you have to tell me when youre free, cos non replies bug the crap out of me.

Two hours later
IDG: Working from 1 to 5.

I honestly don't know what to think anymore.
I should start writing about cats.


♥♥CLAiiR3TH3ROCK3R♥♥ said...



Alice said...

IDG sounds veryy interesting.
mysteriously sexxy

Anonymous said...

Haha, I think I have a crush on IDG now hehe

Cait said...

Cats are fun.

Thanks for the comment...well, Fish may have thrown up when he heard Bella say that. He just doesn't quite believe in himself yet.

Thanks for reading.

Karine said...

Not about cats!


I wrote a new part!


LiNDZ! said...

ohh IDG, man he sounds adorable. I think i picture him with a british accent...idk why...gosh im wierd.

Vera said...

What on earth is butterpiss?
And, you can buy candy at Limited Too now? Why I tell ya, back in my day...

Alexis101 said...

I awesome blog!!!
Plz check out mine.
Alexis ♥

Karine said...



Gave is Mona's brother!

And you'll see that in my next post,which is already there!
A lot of english things!


Cait said...

Hey, thanks for making my day.I start writing about Emily and I kind of go crazy....

Thank you for reading & commenting.

Anonymous said...

You know I have to have a conflict going..and you know who'd win too..heheeee...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for reading & yeah, I have to admit my cat likes to be where ever I am. Hope you have a fun weekend. No wild and crazy texting.