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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thank Gage!

James called just to talk.

Gage didn't come... but neither did Calvin.
Instead, Barbie and I watched Crossroads. (aka the best movie EVER)

I'm packing for boarding school now...

Short post, man!


Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well at school. Thank you for the note. I do so appreciate it.

All the best on having a great new school year.

Sydney said...


aly michelle :) said...

i love your blog XD
it's so cool you're going to boarding scool :)

Karine said...


Brit's movie!'s cool.

I'm sorry Taffy..I don't think i'm able of an english story,yet.But..All the dialogues are in english!


I wrote part.2!

Gage is back!What a famous dud,around here!

Anonymous said...

sorry that Gage and Calvin didn't come :/ and crossroads?! i remember that movie! hah. it was good :)

Anonymous said...

aww..thanks Taffy. Yeah, I'm a sucker for Lon too.

Thanks for the comment..where are you? Are you at boarding school yet?

Anonymous said...

I'll try to explain the Leia matter..many summer's ago..Josh was Amy's boyfriend only before that time she'd been in the "bushes"(I think that's a funny brit line) with billy..and she found out she was pregnant and she told him and he just laughed it off on the she hid her pregancy all along while she was dating Josh.(they weren't that involved) And then when she had Leia at home...the barnes said she was Amy's sister. Anyway, when she got around to telling Josh the truth, he was furious and said she was a liar..but most of the village thought he was the dad..but then Ste shows up and claims to be Leia's father and then he tells people Leia's dieing of some rare disease and gets all this money..anyway, after the amy/ste falling out..she put it into the system that Josh was actually the father of her thats where all the "liars" start..& Billy hasn't exactly said he is her dad since he doesn't want his parents to know.

OK, thats the 101 on Leia. If Leia had a choose who'd be her Daddy it would be Simon.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment and reading..oh..things happen..even at the library.

Thanks again. I hope you had a good trip to your school.

Anonymous said...

I have a plan..but I have no idea if it'll work or'll have to tell me as the story progresses. But I did at least want to set them up something of what they were doing at that time period.

Thanks for the comment and reding.