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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fucking Devil Frosting

Uggg. So. Sophomore. Hunter.

Makes me kind of angry.

A week ago, I was feeling really down for some reason. Don't ask why, I don't have an explanation. He spent the whole week trying to cheer me up and making comments about frosting. So yeah, Hunter and I:
+walk to sports practice together
+hang out during free periods
+hang out during break (where he generally buys me food)

Seriously, I was approached by a whole bunch of people asking if we were going out. (Jesus, this sounds so pathetic)
And I was starting to like him.
A lot, actually.

So yesterday I ran into him while walking back from the Student Activities Center and he was holding frosting. And walking with some random girl (who I didn't think was that pretty so I didn't really acknowledge because she wasn't that pretty). We had a short frosting conversation in which he mentioned how he sometimes needs to go to Walmart to buy frosting for people who are acting depressed.

I assumed he meant me.

But now that I think about it, he was acting kind of awkward the whole time we saw each other.

No big deal.

Until I was walking into this dorm where all the freshman guys live and he was sitting on a bench outside. With his arm around random, unpretty girl.

Seriously, this was the only reason why I never met up with SBSG. But I'm in dire need of a hookup. And as soon as my friend's sister (who is the all-knowing, all-seeing sophomore girl) gets back with info that's he's only sort of sketch, and not REALLY sketch, I'm going for it.

Next weekend I think I'm fairly unbusy.
This week I have too much shit due.



Natalie said...

taffy, taffy, taffy, that is not a good idea! he's a junior and if it's been awkward bumping into him, wouldn't it be MORE awkward trying to hook up with him and than even MORE awkward figuring out if it's going anywhere? it does not sound fun.

Sydney said...

I do envy your fearlessness around the male species.

In fact, I tried your "make the first move" thing towards Doc.

He is a boring young man.

Erm I mean tHis is a bad idea. ;)

(Wink, Wink!)

ellie said...

With his arm around random, unpretty girl.>>>>I so loved that line.

Well, I say you just dive in..and sometimes you almost drown in conversation. You just never know. I think the more you talk the more fearless you get.


Anonymous said... careful, Taffy!

Thanks for adding me.

So good to read an update.

Anonymous said...

i agree with Natalie. and what's up with the random girl?

Karine said...

Don't feel depressed,Taffy!
We are here for you,okay?

"Baby don't worry...About a thing...Cause every little thing...Is gonna be alright."



Livie23 said...

aw. it's ok, everything will work out. =] by the way, I have a new address for my blog! instead of whatever you have me linked as, it's now changed to:! hope your week gets better! HAPPY NEW YEAR! (sort of)