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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Cheek is Itchy

Okay, so, I just got back from New York with Alexandra, Julia, and Monica. We stayed at Alexandra's apartment... which happens to be a four bedroom one... on Park Avenue.
Yeah, they're all pretty much richer than I am.

We went and ate the most delicious food... EVER.
Seriously, next time you're in New York.
Go to
Italian. For the pasta.
asian... for the mesclun salad. and the shabu shabu.
mmm... original. basically frozen yogurt that's actually yogurt.
best. breakfast. ever.
- french toast
- pancakes
lady baltimore=love.
basically Mongolia, but not as famous.
(just with the Upper East siders)

It was amazing.
I was left broke.

And we went to some party.
With and heir to Estee Lauder.

Oh yeah, and you know Matt?
The one with the fork?
He's really good friends with Conrad Hilton.
(THE Conrad Hilton).

Fuck my life.

Um, it was really good. This morning, we met up with a couple of guys from our school who were also in New York to eat breakfast. Which was... love? And shopping. At this place called Intermix. And I saw the most amazing Chloe bag in the world. Which I couldn't afford.

Seriously, I've turned into a whiny little bitch.
It's depressing.

I live a good life.
I don't need to bitch around like this.

It was sort of annoying because on the train ride back, Monica decided to take some really unflattering pictures of me asleep. They'll be up on Facebook some time soon... Julia and Monica also started doing this thing that these three guys in my grade like to do.
"Taffy, take pictcha!"
(asian accent)
I tell Monica it pisses me off.
She can be a little annoying, sometimes.

Just a random juniour i run into at least 20 times a day.
He looks like Channing Tatum & Jonathan Rhys Meyer's love child.
Seriously, this man is beautiful.

Um... SBSG:
Random sightings.
Like... everywhere.
We see each other, we don't say hi.
Or we did once, it was really awkward.
And a second time today. While I was with Hunter.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
I don't even know.
Sort of reminds me of Gage.
A shitload.
Except sweeter.
But idk.
I tried to explain this earlier, and tried to sort of end our friendship?
Didn't work.

It was so awkward.
Friday night, we walked to this play thing together.
I had just taken a shower, so I was sniffing my hair.
"Smell it." (me)
"okay... it smells like you always do."
"no, but it smells nice, like you generally smell nice."
"don't read into that"

fucking fuckbastard assface.

I don't even know what's going on.

This was a little disorganised.


Sydney said...

oh i love you.

i want to see this drew!

and i think i'm a loser for not knowing about conrad hilton.

Natalie said...

ahhh this so much like private except you're not poor! just the whole hangning out with super rich people. did you get a goodie bag at estee lauder?

Anonymous said...

no way jose!

that is so cool how they eat at the same restaurant with blake lively!

like, the same restaurant as serena or the same restaurant as blake???

Anonymous said...

hah. well it sounds like you had fun in new york!

Anonymous said...

Oh you gossip girl the big apple. Nice. Sounds like some guys that need to be watched..or at least spied on a little.

Take care of your wonder self.

Cait said...

What are you doing to drive this guy crazy? I want some of that...hehehehe...well, maybe not.