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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Sad Thing About Travel

Is that you usually don't know anybody but your parents.
Seriously, unless you're on a cruise, there's really no way to really meet people.
I ended up becoming friends with the freaking doormen!
(who were hot)

New York is fantastic.
I finally have a hat with earflaps!

And I'm so sorry for not being able to keep up with your stories as of late, I had no way of accessing the internet for the past three days. Apparently I won't have a lot of time to blog in the near future, either, so I'll try to read all of your posts, but if you could leave summaries, that would be great!

Hm... The school is gorgeous. Lush green courtyards, shady trees, it's like a freaking movie, for Gage's (heheh) sake. And my roommate... was in the National Spelling Bee.

So far, I've moved in some of my things, and stole the big closet from her side of the room... Whoops.

Today we went to Walmart to get sheets and stuff... NOT COOL.
Seriously, this town is like... hickville?
(or at least some of the people are. Especially Pat, our checkout lady. Other people are kinda cool. and nice)

Oh, and SBSG has shown interest.
But he seems like the kind of guy who would look at me oddly if I approached him in front of his friends. And would ignore me or give a blase "hey".

Still, I'll humour you with this recent conversation.

SBSG: So how do you like [dorm name]
Me: Maybe you should come visit some time and find out for yourself.
SBSG: Haha, okay, will do. (typos, but they irk me too much to type out)
later on
Me: Your hair looks better short.
SBSG: U look hotter with those glasses on.
Me: aww, shucks.
SBSG: Don't take that the wrong way. U look fine both ways. Me, my hair was only short freshman year.
Me: And when I saw you. And thanks. And youre hot either way (as well), but the short hair's just a preference.
SBSG: Well its short just for you. DOUCHE!
Me: Thanks. I really appreciate that (only half sarcasm)

Oh, and I accidentally put the name Taffy
(which is actually a nickname)
As what I want to be called.
All the time.

(shoots self)


Anonymous said...

glad you're having fun :)

Anonymous said...

glad the school seems nice. hope you're having fun!

LiNDZ! said...

oooh vair vair interesting. I love new york...the city...not the show....ive actually never seen the show....ANYWAYS gosh i have a tendency to ramble and get off track. Yes i definitly want to go to college there. only 2 more years!!! & as for SBSG...hmm i think ill have to keep reading to state my opinion on him. But idk....he seems a little....fake. But hey for all i know he could be perfect. Considering i need to read all the other entries with him in it because i have no clue who he is haha.

-Lindsay :)

LiNDZ! said...

ahhh! ohkay i changed my mind. (after reading a little more about sbsg). I think he's more too good to be true. And i agree with the a.k.a you gave him haha.

Sydney said...

oh taffy. i never get tired of reading about you.

Karine said...

You're right.
GREAT conversation.


Kisses taffy!

Anonymous said...

Its great to hear you are there. A guess it must really feel like fall there.

Stay well, and talk lots..and take as much closet space as possible.

Anonymous said...

good news!
haha that closet-thing was awesome. NO MERCY muahaha (this is my evil laugh, I don't really know why I do this so much. akward - but fun!)
Yeah, I'm a crazy person.

Rock on!

Anonymous said...

*awkward, I mean. Stupid dyslexia

Livie23 said...

well, your school sounds better than my first day. today was hot as hell here in NY, and i got stuck in my english class between all the people who hate me for no apparant reason. <=/ boarding school sounds really good right now. lol about your nickname. sorry, it'll probably get annoying after a while. all the seniors on the field hockey team here call me fresh. it sucks. but NOO they cant make up a stupid nickname for the other olivia. =[ well, good luck!! =]

♥♥CLAiiR3TH3ROCK3R♥♥ said...

I like your blog.
Check out my blog!

♥♥CLAiiR3TH3ROCK3R♥& hearts;

Alice said...

taffy i agree with syd. you are one of the best bloggerss