My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just kidding, I pretty much love you guys.
Our English teacher drove us to Starbucks this morning :)

I ran the full three miles.
Piece of cake.
Even though I'm still fat.


Okay, so I don't exactly know... but it's a cohesive costume.
I bought some sort of jumpsuit thing from Walmart...
Fake, fingerless, leather gloves.
It's like a biker-dude (dude, not chick) outfit.

Not attractive, at all.

But I'm feeling hot.

What are you guys?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Taffy is (not likely) on TV

You might get to see what I look like!
-25 pounds heavier (camera adds ten, I managed the other fifteen on my own)
-with glasses on
-disgusting face
-beyond corny

We were eating at this restaurant called the Barking Crab in Boston yesterday, and some guy from this new show Man vs. Food on the Travel Channel was there filming! Anyway, it premieres on December 3rd, but I don't know when they're showing the Boston episode.

Three Mile Run on Thursday. Wish me luck.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Freshman 15

It happened.

I went on a scale for the first time in two months today.
Today, we had Brunch on the Roof at the Taj Boston.
Look it up, it was my "last meal"...

From now on I'm only eating salads. And oatmeal.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Taffy is...

In a relationship?

Last sentence of the conversation before this became a semi-fact:
"Hunter, just fucking kiss me already."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So Remember the Time When

Taffy was a huge bitch and nothing is ever good enough for her?
No, he hasn't broken up with Cherie. He might as well have.

Seriously, I basically spent all of today and yesterday with him.

And then- I don't know when this happened- I COULDN'T.

I just couldn't spend any more time with him today. No, we haven't run out of things to talk about. No, nothing's become... awkward. It's just... I couldn't. And now I feel really bad about it. It's just, I spent SO MUCH FUCKING TIME WITH HIM.

I woke up yesterday and had breakfast. Then at around 11.30, Hunter texted me to hang out. I met up with him half an hour later. We walked into town and then we sat in a graveyard. (Which I've been doing a lot, lately. It's actually really relaxing.) The whole time, I was sitting in between his legs (because I was cold) and he had his arms around my front. We did that until 1.45 (which was only supposed to last until 1.20). I had a field hockey game and then I was supposed to meet up with him to watch our movie, but he was playing football. And before he was done I decided to go to Walmart with another friend.
So I texted him when I came back and we were going to watch then but I went to the common room to meet with him and he was laying on the couch. With Alexandra resting her head on his chest. Which didn't really bug me because she's like that... (who the fuck am I kidding, I wanted to KILL HER!). So basically I redecided that I wouldn't say yes if he asked me out. Fucking flirtmonster bastard asshole. I was pretty much fed up when he asked if he could enter her number into his phone, so I went back upstairs. He texted me like... 15 minutes later.
"Will you please come down? I really want to watch to movie with you."
"Yeah, meet me in ten." (I know, I'm a wimp).

But we didn't watch the movie. Instead, we walked around. And crashed an old person performance being held in our campus theater. And then I ran away from him and he chased me. And we layed in the middle of the road waiting for cars to run us over. At one point, I was straddling him. We left unscathed :). He tried to get me to ditch this dance thing for him, but I didn't. So I didn't see him again until 11. And we sat and cuddled some more. (there is a lot of sitting involved in this relationship). Then he let me back into the dorm.

Oh, and the other frustrating thing is that his girlfriend texted him last night asking him to hang out and he turns to me and says "doesn't she get that I'm going to break up with her?" and in my head I was going, NO YOU DUMBASS! You haven't even spoken to her about it!

I wasn't really annoyed with him last night, but today...

And I don't even know what changed (no worries for those of you "rooting for us". I've changed back.) I met up with him for brunch this morning, I even ended up feeding him part of my omelet. I think what started my weirdness is when people were calling themselves third wheels and he wasn't even denying it anymore. And after brunch we hung out in the field and it was one big cuddle fest. But I was actually getting kind of agitated. So I left to go do work in my room and was supposed to meet up with another friend to go to the culinary club meeting. And then he asked me when we were meeting up to go to the meeting. The following conversation made me kind of want to kill myself.
I deleted most of the texts, but the gist was:
+Hunter wanted to go with me
+I said go with another one of our friends because I was going with mine
+He said why don't we all go together
+I said that I was going with my friend and to just call mutual friend
+He said that wasn't working out for him
+I said to not go
+He called me a bitch
And my friend and I went to the club anyway. And so I was ranting about how he was just TOO FUCKING CLINGY and he actually appeared ON CUE outside the window looking sort of pissed off. I smiled to make things less awkward, and then I left.

I sent him a text apologising to for being a bitch.
He invited me to free swim.
I said hells to the fuck no (or that I had too much work to do, I can't quite remember).

Oh, and SBSG wanted me to sleep over last night.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Wow, the title makes me feel really immature.
I stepped in a fucking ear ring today.
Like... the needle part went up my foot.

Talked to Penn G. (who is still amazing)

Fell asleep on Hunter.

Friday, October 10, 2008

One of Many Weird Convos

This happened over IM so the convo is a tad scattered...

okay... so
i reread texts
and i realised that earlier's explanation was kind of off
because yeah, you're dealing with more shit than me
did that make any sense?
i am
what do u think people are saying about me and cherie
i didn't ask.
so... yeah, i don't know.
because i don't want to be like "bitch girl who comes between guy and his girlfriend"
like, we're friends
you get that
i get that (i don't actually get that)
other people don't fucking get that.
no im saying that people are talking about me and cherie
but anyways i think im breaking up with her (YES YES YES YES!)
i know, but apparently people are saying stuff about me
which makes no sense
wait, what?
i think im breaking up with her
we don't see eachother much
and there is hardly a relationship between us
shouldn't you like... talk to her about it first? (i don't know why i do this. i just... try to patch relationships. don't ask)
i am
im really confused/unnerved
i don't really know what to do, but cherie isn't helping
why unnerved?
i just cant stand this
people are talking shit to me
about what?
about me cherie and u
people are saying we hooked up (hahaha, WHOOO! THREESOME!)
fuck my life.
she knows we didn't, right?
i don't know
but she hasn't said anything so i don't think so
can you just explain to her that you need to communicate more
or you will break up with her?
because it just makes more sense
so at least it clicks in her head if you break up with her
i don't really wanna go out with her anymore though
i like her, but i feel like this relationship was premature
hahah, in what way
if you go back now then there's no progressing.
we rushed it
and im not really into her anymore
pls just let me do this on my own
you just said that you liked her!
okay, fine
god, now i feel guilty
new topic
we kicked (other school)'s ass today 
i like her as a friend
not as a girlfriend
i just changed the topic, bitch.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another One?!

OH MY GOD! There's a hot Asian in my grade! Like, I met him the first night, and I thought he was hot, but then I thought that that was just first night weirdness. But now I've confirmed it with other people (even white people!) ROBIN IS FUCKING HOT (for an Asian). It's undeniable. Today we had like four stare-downs. This was just a little rant...

Back to the real reason for this post.

It started in the locker room.
One of my team mates, who's a sophomore, asked me who my boyfriend was.
And it wasn't like... rude, since she's super sweet.
"Um... I'm not going out with anyone right now. Why?"
"Oh, nothing."
"No wait, tell me."
"Well... there's some rumours going around about..."
"Oh. I know. Yeah... Hunter, right?"
"Yeah, but I stood up for you. Because I was like, guys, if you ever met Taffy, you'd know that she's one of the sweetest people and she'd never do that. He has a girlfriend."
"Yeah, I know. (awkward laugh)"

SO then I decided that I couldn't be friends with Hunter anymore. Like, I'm one of the "sweetest people", WTF? I've never been one of the sweetest people! And I definitely don't want to ruin this girl's opinion of me... it's like having a little puppy (but not an annoying one) dislike you! So we had another text conversation. This one is really short.

Me: I don't think I can talk to you anymore.
Hunter: Perche
Me: Apparently sophomores are saying shit about me so... yeah. Was that latin?
Hunter: No, Italian. And I'm getting much worse shit than u but I'm not ignoring u
Me: I'm not ignoring you. But when it gets to the point that people you don't even know say shit, something's wrong with the picture.
Hunter: That doesn't mean u can't talk to me
Me: It means I should stop.

No response. Like... ever.
But I don't WANT this friendship to be over.
It's just like... I don't want to be "that girl"
(bitch girl)

I think I'll text him saying that's a lame excuse and we'll like... talk it out?

Oh, and I talked to a couple of guys today.
One of them told me this story about how one of Hunter's friends went up to him, randomly, and said "Dude, your girlfriend is fucking ugly."

Monday, October 6, 2008

Too Many Signs

So I'm probably hooking up with SBSG this Friday.
I promise this is not to:
+make Hunter jealous
+become more "advanced" (trust me, I'm fine with where I'm at)
+spark a relationship
And I've already considered that:
+guys talk
+I may become the slut to all the juniours
+he may try to get me to go farther than I want to go
+I'm horny

That's basically it. And that should show you just how horny I am!
But um... Hunter knows.

Or not WHO SBSG is, but he asked me if I wanted to hang out Friday night.
I said no. I'm busy. And of course I told him that I was going to hook up with a guy because I'm ME for god's sake. That doesn't make it a reason for my hook-uppage with SBSG, but isn't it just so tempting to tell? And he obviously cared.
Seriously, he spent a lot of time trying to get me to tell him who SBSG was.

SO... now we're having this conversation.

Me: Done (with sports).
Hunter: I can't hang out now, sorry. (the fuck? did I SAY that I wanted to hang out?!)
Me: Dude, it's Monday. I can never hang out Monday. (total BS but I wanted the last word)
Hunter: Come to my dorm (NOW he wants to hang? Hells to the no.)
Me: When? (playing dumb)
Hunter: Now.
Me: It's Monday. I'll see you tonight. (we're eating breakfast)
Hunter: What? U just said u could. Come on.
Me: I just said I was done. Not that I wasn't busy.
Hunter: OMB (hehehe, another typo boy) u r such a tease
Me: A tease of what? Hanging out?
Hunter: U lead me to believe that u would hang out now
Me: How? I even specifically said that i can't hang out on Mondays.
Hunter: U said meet me at the bench. (yes, "the" bench. we have a bench). That is hang out talk.
Me: When did I say meet me at the bench?
Hunter: When we went to the X. U said meet me out there
Me: Yeah. To walk back.
Hunter: R u gonna hang out now or what
Me: What.
Hunter: God ur boring
Me: I'm aware. See ya tonight :)
Hunter: Good night. And what is happening with the junior?
Me: I already told you. What else do you want to know?
Me: And wtf, good night?
Hunter: I just said that to show that I don't care about u (THE FUCK KIND OF RESPONSE IS THIS?!). And I wanna know his name and how much farther u are with him
Me: That is such a pointless answer. What do you mean "how much farther"? In relation to what?
Hunter: Where u were when I got the cuff links
Me: In planning?
Hunter: No, in hooking up with the guy
Me: I'm still sick.
Hunter: Bs. Jump the guy.
Me: Hunter, don't be a tool.
Hunter: How am I being a tool? This is not at all what a tool is.
Me: You're being a tool. I'm going to go. See you tonight.
Hunter: Can't u just spare 30 minutes
Me: For what?
Hunter: Hanging out.

This time I got to be the one who doesn't reply.
In fact, this is the time I decided to take a shower, instead.
The thing is, even if he DID dump his girlfriend to be with me (btw, she is random girl from the other night), I would say no.
I'm not even kidding. I genuinely have logical reasons for this decision.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So the good thing is that Monica has NO CHANCE with Hunter.


Today we walked around town last period. I was actually afraid he was going to flake, but he didn't. We went into this small thrift shop and I got him to buy turtle cufflinks. And basically walked and talked for an hour. I made fun of him for being a freshmore and he was like "you're the only freshman I hang out with".
"Um... don't you hang out with Monica?"
"To be honest, Monica's been a little annoying lately, she is kind of clingy."
"She gets like that sometimes."
"You've known her for what, four weeks?"

The other good thing is that it wasn't really awkward after that.

So we walked more. And chatted more. And I got him to buy me ice cream. (Pistachio is the best ever). And it's homemade and delicious.

And then I had field hockey (which we walked to together).

And after we hung out at the tuck shop. And he bought me a soda (because he likes to buy me stuff) and looked for my school ID card. Which also lets me into my dorm. And gets me money... And we never found it. So we went to his dorm, got his laptop, and walked to mine and watched Superbad. Which is fucking amazing. There was a lot of leaning-on-top and arm-arounds. And annoyance with other people for watching the movie with us.

SO then we went back to his dorm.
And I found out that he has a girlfriend.
Named Cherie!

I know, I totally built that up and shut you down.
Kind of sad.
Kind of relieved.

So the Monica Thing

Ugg. What happened to the good days when EVERYBODY used to get annoyed with Monica? (okay, so that was like a week ago). Now it seems like it's only me who seriously, desperately, STRONGLY dislikes her. Jealousy, most likely.

First of all, she is annoying. All of the guys in our grade think so (thank god). Sadly, not ALL OF THE GUYS in general agree.
*cough* HUNTER *cough*.

Fucking Latin class.

Or they're in Latin together. And they flirt now. Err I thought I was paranoid, but apparently not. If it makes me sound any less obsessive, I started disliking her MUCH before she and Hunter began talking. Fucking social-climbing, compulsive-hugging (it's a lot worse than it sounds!) bitch! (this is a rant).

But yeah, I was particularly annoyed with her yesterday because she found me while she was walking out of the dining hall (and in my mind, the refrain is: fuck my life, fuck my life, fuck my life) so she decided to come back in. And sit. And ask me what I am doing afterward.
(whiny voice) "But I need someone to walk with me to the SAC!"
"Um... I'm hanging out with Hunter after this."
"Fine, then I'll get Hunter to walk with me."
"Um, okay." (fuck my life, fuck my life, fuck my life)... "Aren't you going to go find him?"
"No. Because I don't know where Hunter is. But you're going to go meet up with him after you're done eating and I can ask him to come to the SAC with me."

So I don't know what rational thoughts were going through my mind when I decided to text Hunter going "Monica wants you to go to the SAC with her."

I think I was REALLY hoping for a text back going:
"I thought we were going to hang out!"

A week ago, this is what would have happened.
But a lot can change in a week.

Neither ended up happening, but still. And according to one of my friends in their retard Latin class, a lot of flirting has been going on lately. And I didn't even bring HIM up!
Me: Wow, this sucks. Everyone is starting to like Monica all of a sudden.
Friend: Wait, what? OH! You mean Hunter?
Friend: You should see them during Latin.

I think Hunter and I are going to walk around the town together.
And I'm going to a stupid football game tomorrow where I get to dress up in Yellow.

God, I tried to rant but now I'm feeling even more pissed off.
Sorry for making you read this.
It's okay if you stopped halfway and just leave comments going:

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Not Much is Going On

Except Hunter bullshit.

Oh yeah, and that I sometimes want to shoot Monica in the face.