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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, October 3, 2008

So the Monica Thing

Ugg. What happened to the good days when EVERYBODY used to get annoyed with Monica? (okay, so that was like a week ago). Now it seems like it's only me who seriously, desperately, STRONGLY dislikes her. Jealousy, most likely.

First of all, she is annoying. All of the guys in our grade think so (thank god). Sadly, not ALL OF THE GUYS in general agree.
*cough* HUNTER *cough*.

Fucking Latin class.

Or they're in Latin together. And they flirt now. Err I thought I was paranoid, but apparently not. If it makes me sound any less obsessive, I started disliking her MUCH before she and Hunter began talking. Fucking social-climbing, compulsive-hugging (it's a lot worse than it sounds!) bitch! (this is a rant).

But yeah, I was particularly annoyed with her yesterday because she found me while she was walking out of the dining hall (and in my mind, the refrain is: fuck my life, fuck my life, fuck my life) so she decided to come back in. And sit. And ask me what I am doing afterward.
(whiny voice) "But I need someone to walk with me to the SAC!"
"Um... I'm hanging out with Hunter after this."
"Fine, then I'll get Hunter to walk with me."
"Um, okay." (fuck my life, fuck my life, fuck my life)... "Aren't you going to go find him?"
"No. Because I don't know where Hunter is. But you're going to go meet up with him after you're done eating and I can ask him to come to the SAC with me."

So I don't know what rational thoughts were going through my mind when I decided to text Hunter going "Monica wants you to go to the SAC with her."

I think I was REALLY hoping for a text back going:
"I thought we were going to hang out!"

A week ago, this is what would have happened.
But a lot can change in a week.

Neither ended up happening, but still. And according to one of my friends in their retard Latin class, a lot of flirting has been going on lately. And I didn't even bring HIM up!
Me: Wow, this sucks. Everyone is starting to like Monica all of a sudden.
Friend: Wait, what? OH! You mean Hunter?
Friend: You should see them during Latin.

I think Hunter and I are going to walk around the town together.
And I'm going to a stupid football game tomorrow where I get to dress up in Yellow.

God, I tried to rant but now I'm feeling even more pissed off.
Sorry for making you read this.
It's okay if you stopped halfway and just leave comments going:


Cate said...

I read the WHOLE post and I can't say anything much besides "MONICA! THAT BITCH!" even though I don't know her..

Cate said...

P.S.: Sorry if this is a personal blog and you don't want me to read it, just leave a comment on my blog telling me.
have a nice weekend.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with cate. things will DEFINITELY get better. Hunter doesn't deserve you anyway!

Natalie said...

douchebag!! DOUCHEBAG! she sucks

Sydney said...

what an annoying hoe!

i would slap her upside the head!

yay! yellow game!

Ana said...


Just joking.

There is a girl like that in my school. Super annoying but no one thinks so anymore.

Cate said...

Thanks for the comment! And yeah, agree with Ana. There are always these girls. They're everywhere. They're gonna get us *whaaaaa* ...NOT! Don't let her get you down.