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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

One month.
I counted.

I checked from my last blog post...
You know, the one where I told Hunter to kiss me?

I wish I hadn't ever done it.
There is no PHYSICAL chemistry between us.
I love him.
Like LEGITIMATELY love him.
As a person.

And now I don't know how to start this break up.
It needs to happen.

A. I can't be in a relationship.
B. I especially can't be in a relationship if it's just based on how much I care for the other person's personality. That is a close friendship.
C. I get jealous too easily, even if I don't care.
D. I don't want something after I have it.

Or I do. I really do.

I want to feel something for him so badly, it's unbelievable.
And now I don't know what to say to him.
And I want to stay friends with him, but Hunter is the kind of person where that doesn't really happen... I don't think.

He wants to meet up in like... fifteen minutes.
I haven't seen him all week.

We had a semi-fight on Wednesday about me telling people about his inability to massage breasts (ha!), but I handled that really well. And he always tells me that he loves me. And that I'm amazing. And I can't handle it. It isn't me being afraid of commitment, but this just doesn't feel right.

I'm sorry that this post is so incredibly disorganised.


Anonymous said...

Well..if none of this feels right..then you owe it to yourself to get out..early. Don't wait thinking it'll get better..because it won't. I mean, its got to be in the first kiss. I've been with someone for a long time (or so it seems) and it all started with a kiss. Of course, I was mega attracted to him. I was just high being around him. Of course, sometimes, I feel I fall in love easily or too quickly.

Oh..about blue hearts and chris.

1. it has been weeks since Bex got her last period.

2. chris has this quirky gift of knowing when women are pregnant. I know someone like this and they just can't possibly keep it to themselves..they just have to say it.

Hang in there Taffy, I know you'll do the right thing. You are so young. You have lots of guys to go out with and figure out what you want. Which means, lots of great conversations, holding hands, touching...the little things really do mean a lot. You want somebody who's going to treat you like a princess..because some day you will have to be Queen of their world. Just don't let this bad apple spoil everything for you. I take it, he needs to date a lot too. ..especially, if he's not that good with the breasts thing. This gives lots of guys trouble, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

oh no. i'm so confused.
well if it doesn't feel right, then end it. but at least TRY to stay friends with him. Hunter seems really sweet :)

good luck! :)

Natalie said...

um didn't he CHEAT ON YOU? there's a decent reason right there!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know break ups are never easy, but think of you and what you deserve..someone who totally rocks your world. You can do it.

Natalie said...

OMG congrats your single!!!! great phone convo lol. i love you and miss you and cant waitttt to do "the thing" ;)

Anonymous said...

Could you stop saying fuck.
Focus on your studies and not stupid guys.

Natalie said...

woah, anonymous, that is so rude. who are you to tell her to "focus on her studies"? are you 50? if you don't like how she talks, then just don't read the damn blog, no one is forcing you. uncool, uuunnnccoooolll.