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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I'm the proud owner of a new Sector 9 Padang Longboard.

It's excellent.

So far, I've made a huge hole in my favourite pair of jeans, I have an unbelievable amount of bruises on my legs, and I've done the splits about five times. Involuntarily. All worth it.

Life is good, Hunter is awkward.
Whatever, I'm past this.

Sorry, my life is boring.
I'm going home in 6 days!


Cate said...

Oh, one of my friends loves longboarding too! I bet I'd break my neck attempting to ride on a longboard ^^

Anonymous said...

haha whats a long board?? and who's hunter? haha my life sounds like yours a little from what i rea in your about me. i always always always contradict myself lol!
~comment back

Natalie said...


just kidding, im not doing that.

but i am sooooo SOOOO pumped!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'd be scared to use one..thanks so much for the comments. I'm grateful to you.

Anonymous said...

Be careful. ouch on the bruises.

Anonymous said...

You brave person you. So are you getting lots of exercise with thing and getting super skinny now.

Thank you so much for reading.

Sydney said...


BTW - what is liv's cell #?

i need it for... a... surprise!

or, just tell her mine, and tell her to call me or text me

Anonymous said...

glad everything is going smoothly :)

Anonymous said...

oh..thanks for the note. Well, that's actually Jackson Rathbone with the beard too..but he's my idea of "ramone" He's blond in Twilight as Jasper.

Cat people..remember the movie from the 80s which is a remake of the classic tale of the cat people from the early 40's with french actoress simone simone. it was the first movie of its kind with the subliminal conotation that if this woman wanted to lead a normal life she'd have to be a lesban. The 80's version how ever went a step further. Of course, they all ended up being black panthers in the end. I just always thought it was interesting.

Thanks again.

ellie said...

Hey, thanks for the note. Yeah, Ellie can't be sweet all the time.

Thanks for reading. Hope you are having a good week.

Livie23 said...

lol. that is sooo cool. I remember my first time on a skateboard. I was in Long Island, and I was staying for a week at our old summer house. I was like 8, and my LI friends were riding their skateboards. They made it look so easy, so that even though I had no clue of how to ride one, I asked for a turn. I did what I had seen on TV, I just walked up to it and jumped on. If I had just lost my balance, I probably would've just scraped my knee, but Noooo. I went flying backwards and cracked my head against the sidewalk. all i could say after that was 'thank god for my helmet, and im never doing anything that stupid again.' So far I've only been able to keep the 'thank god for my helmet' part of that sentance. lol =] Im sticking with rollerskates. Im better at it. X ]