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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Is the Boyf Cheating?



I think he likes me more than I like him. And I was thinking about this the other day, like... there are so many guys here who I find more appealing than him. And I feel like such a bitch for thinking so, because he's sweet, and he's become a better kisser. I even flirt with others

Hunter is a flirt.
Hunter is also kind of awkward.

I'm not that physically attracted to Hunter.
And what if what happened with ME happens with some other girl?

Which is why it didn't come as a huge shock to me when my friend, Dominique (y'all need another name) and I were starting to practice acting and she told me that she needed to talk to me.

Dom: "Earlier, I was walking back from the dining hall with Jake (her boyfriend) and Jake told me to look over at something. There was this girl and guy and the girl was like... groping the guy. Guess who it was?"
Me: "Hunter? Or Mike, Erica's boyfriend (Erica is my prefect, who has a boyfriend named Mike who looks exactly like Hunter... but hotter... and less awkward... let's not discuss Mike, other than to say that him and Erica are adorable)."
Dom: "Nope, Hunter."

And do you know what my response was?

"Thank god."

Isn't that awful?

But yes, Dom told me how Jake didn't know who it was. And Jake, being the funny little kid he is, called out "hey!". Hunter saw Dom and she ran away. He caught up to her and asked what was up.
"Nothing. What were you up to?"

And apparently, he said it with no guilt. As in, he actually didn't notice the girl was flirting with him (which is actually very probable), or he just sees nothing wrong with it. Or he is a bad liar.

And Dominique is a reliable source. She's not from the catty group of girls that I hang out with.


Cate said...

Oh gosh. Yes. I always have one BIIIIIG love and 1716784518 little crushes. And I am sure that if I got involved with one of the little crushes, I would long to be single again the instant I'd get involved with them because I'd always want to be there if the BIG CRUSH is single, by accident.
About Hunter.. Okay. Seems that you were relieved that he was flirting with that girl ^^ But well, I'd be much too proud than to let him be groped by another girl. Of course, I would never forbid him to talk to other girls or something! I would also hate it if my boyf forbade me to talk to other guys! But groping.. goes a bit far, doesn't it? Or maybe if you don't like Hunter that much anymore.. I dunno..

ellie said...

Well..the relief must be telling you something..that maybe you aren't that INTO HIM as you thought. I remember a guy that I was so crazy about..then the crushing stopped and it became this lunchtime schedule to go everyday and make out and not eat. WELL...that can get so EXPECTED after awhile and like nothing knew I don't know if it was bordem or the idea that it was expected to happen and I better be ready to have as much lip action as possible..which in the beginning..yes, you sort of want that when you are going out with someone so "they" get better or maybe they are thinking that of the other person.

Then one day he says, "I think we should break up..." I was so relieved...and happy. But the bad thing was, he stopped talking to me complete. He avoided me like the plague. & I just wanted someone to talk too. I so hated him then and what was worse every guy I'd kiss I'd start comparing it to his kiss. Oh well, live and learn..and my Dad always told'll need to kiss a lot frogs before you find your prince. Also, my Dad's the bigest flirt around and my Mom has constantly told him to stop it. She has no qualms about it either. I'm surprised she hasn't slapped him when he was doing it.

But I would discuss that with him..if you feel you guys have enough would he feel if you were letting some guy touch and all...

I wouldn't say fighting was a healthy thing for a relatioship...but discussing..which might turn in to arguing I think is let everything out in the open. Naturally, my parents always enjoyed arguing in front of friends and family.

Sydney said...

she's not from the catty groupbof girls that I hang out with.

Haha this makes me laugh.


get the storm instead.

Also: I was totally groped the other day!

Will detail when you call me later tonight!

Livie23 said...

well, i dont know. It doesn't sound like Hunter has a very good record with relationships if he's that much of a flirt. I dont know though, so just do what you think is best. <=]

Anonymous said...

i'd ask Hunter about it.
i'm not very good on advice. hah :)

Cate said...

I know! If you want to break up with him, offer him the cookie drink!

Anonymous said...

Remember amy was in the coma because Ste hit her in the head with a brick.

ellie said...

we are just wondering..what are you gonna do with hunter?

Natalie said...

I think you should break up with him. You totally do not deserve that at all.

Cait said...

So how is it going with Hunter these days?

Thank you so much for your comments. I do so appreciate them. Hope you are having some fun this weekend and not dwelling on mr. flirt.

ivy said...

I hope you gave him a swift kick somewhere.

gossip guy