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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, November 14, 2008


Basically, here is what happened since I posted last:
(you might want to read that, first)
I talked to Hunter.

Me: "Hey... I think we should break up."
Hunter: "What?"
Me: "I don't really think it's working out. I don't think that I can BE in a relationship."
Hunter: "Oh. Why?" fucking awkward.
Me: "I don't think there's any chemistry between us. Don't get me wrong. I love you, so much, but as a person. That's why I stayed in this relationship for so long, er... um... what was long for me. Because I care about you so much and I wanted this to work out so badly."
Hunter: "I understand."

(saving you from more awkward conversation... which I don't exactly remember)
Hunter: "Wait... Does this have anything to do with... you know, that thing we discussed the other day? the feeling up"
Me: "No, not at all."
Hunter: "Because I don't even know what that was."
Me: "It's alright. It happens. I promise, this has nothing to do with it. I just... don't think this was really working. And I hate this, because I really want to stay friends, but I don't feel like we CAN stay friends after this and... I don't know."
Hunter: "So I think our main problem was the age difference. Because I'm a sophomore and you're a freshman, we never got to see each other." NO!
Me: "Yeah..." what do I say? "No, I just don't like you in that way"? I'm not that much of a bitch.
Hunter: "So, do you want to hang out for a bit?"
Me: "Sure."
We walked to the student activities center and watched TV for a bit. Then I walked with him to our school box office so he could get a ticket for the play tonight. We half hugged, and I walked off. I thought that he had taken this extremely well, and (I know this is selfish) I was actually kind of pissed off that he didn't care that much. I promptly went to the internet cafe next to the grill and logged on to Facebook to cancel our relationship. I'm obsessive like that. Relatively good ending.


So I'm hanging out with the group of friends who DIDN'T go to New York this weekend (don't even get me started on this) when I get this text from Monica.
I immediately responded with something along the lines of "how do you know?"
"Hey, it's (insert other friend's name), but ya he's so upset. hahahahahahahahah hehehehehehehe so happy week. I kinda feel bad but whatevs"
I feel sick to my stomach.

I got the full details after eating a stomachfull of carrot spice cake. Bundt cake, to be exact.

Basically, during the show he had his hands over his eyes and was wiping with his shirt. The full nine yards. During intermission, my friends talked to one of his friends and she asked them why he was so upset. "He won't talk to anyone. He's been like this all afternoon. What happened?"


Part of me wants to slap him for being so affected by this, part of me wants to take it all back so he doesn't have to suffer, part of me is relieved that I'm no longer with a guy who would cry after... this, part of me feels like a complete and total bitch.

I'm going to New Haven tomorrow.
Hopefully that will take my mind off of things.


Ana said...

Aww I feel bad for Hunter. But on the other hand you didnt break up with him in a mean way so you shouldnt feel guilty. It would have been more cruel to continue a relationship you werent in to.

Anonymous said...

aww, poor Hunter. but it wasn't working out, so i'm glad you broke up with him.
he'll get over it..eventually.

have fun in New Haven!

Anonymous said...

I feel bad for both of you. It gets so intense on both side. Neither of you can completely feel what the other might see. I mean, we all have this scope we see the world through..what we think we know about who we are they feel about us. And its kind of funny, how he acted around you then went off and well, got totally upset. But guys have feelings even if they are such jerks half the time. But be brave. Tell him to be brave too.

To me though, he seems the type who's probably not ready for a "girlfriend" he tends to like to flirt so much. Hopefully, he'll learn something from this.

Yum, about the cake. I had lemon squares.

Sorry, you don't like Hart. This might be the strangest vampire story ever...hahaaaaa...

Cate said...

Oh no... But Taffy, this really isn't your fault. I mean, you were nice to him from what you wrote about the break-up conversation. I think you can't help him just now. I think he has to handle this alone... And MAYBE then you can be friends again. I don't think he's the kind of guy who'd "hate" you now for breaking up with him. I think you should just make it clear to him once again that you LIKE him, but as a friend, and that you like to hang out with him too. And then just leave it to him to get over the breakup.

Isabella said...

poor kid. but if you didnt like him, then you made the right choice.

Natalie said...

taffy you heart breaker you!!!!

Sydney said...


haha, just kidding.

well, if he wanted to seem so chill when you guys ACTUALLY broke up, then why did he let the waterworks come out in public?

don't feel badly.

well, at least not TOO badly.

and when are you coming home?!


Anonymous said...

How are you doing? I hope New Haven helped.

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good week. Hang in there. Don't let him make you feel bad.

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor Hunter. But you did the right thing, Taffy. You saved him from a bigger heartache. Always keep that in mind.

OH MY GOD, who the hell am I, a freaking nun??
But yeah, I meant every word :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the note. I hope you are having a good start of the week.

Any snow yet?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note. I hope I can keep it going..but I've been thinking about other parts of the story too..heheheeee..

I hope all is well with you. You're in my thoughts. I hope Hunter is better and not making you feel bad.

Cate said...

Thanks for the comment! Thanks to you, I now know what a smirk is ^^ I was never actually sure what exactly a smirk was ^^ Thank you! ^^

Karine said...

You're not a bitch,Taffy.
You did the right think we can't boss our heart like we want.It happens.


I'm sorry for staying out for soo long.I'm studing a lot now.I HAVE to pass for some college.
Anyway..Hope you still like me!



Anonymous said...

Thanks, than you for reading. Hope you are having a good week. Car troubles here...just what I need when I want to go see Twilight on Friday. Ugh.