My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

E-Mail CAN Get you into Trouble

Hottie Spanish Bartender (in his late 20s) has reestablished contact.
Yeah, I have this problem with talking to too many guys.

And Will invited me to a pool party (as friends), but still, he's creepy!

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm a Lazy- Ass

I'm Not Over- Carolina Liar.

She Doesn't Get It- The Format.

Basically, these songs sum up my feelings about IDG.
Which is depressing because I knew him for a total of one day.
(plus talking)

God, he doesn't talk. I even told me to tell me to "fuck off, bitch"
and no response.

Well, y'all already know how obsessive I get.
Or do you?

Friday, July 25, 2008

Soundtrack of/to/for my Summer

I have this newfound love for The Maine.
(who is one of the most beautiful bands out there).

Yesterday, I went to the Sountrack of/to/for (I'm never quite sure which) Your Summer Tour.
+The Maine
+Metro Station
+Good Charlotte
+Boys Like Girls

I have this uncanny ability to get to the front of crowds at concerts. By the second song of all of these bands, I was only three rows of people behind the stage. (Yes, I'm bragging, and you can't do ANYTHING about it). I went with Faye and our Angry Friend. It was kind of hard to weave through this crowd cos we had a huge bundle of clothing and my little purse. And for some reason, I never learn to wear jeans or shorts to a concert, therefore I'm too afraid to crowdsurf all the way to backstage. Jesus, I felt like an idiot.

During the last set (Boys Like Girls), we chose a different side to enter from and we met some very nice people. This one guy helped our Angry Friend reach me & Faye. Then he asked us where we were trying to get to. "Up there!" I said. And he went, "Just cough really loudly and hack and stuff". So I pointed out the couple in front of him macking and began my fake cough... Which was interrupted by the male macker. "Nice try," he went, "If you had said you had AIDS I would have let you through." He then proceeded to show me the proper way of getting forward (pretending you're gonna shit) and all of us had a discussion about which method was best to get to the front.

Sorry for making you read this, guys.
By the way, the ugliest band is Metro Station
(and Trace Cyrus is RIPPED)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cuts, Hair & Otherwise

I recently got a haircut.
Apparently, now, people can see my colour again!

I went to the college campus again to visit Jas at summer school. Apparently, she's taking some computer class or something. Of course, visiting Jas wasn't the only intention. I was looking for some IDG action, obviously.

And things were looking up...
And I was actually going to visit him in his dorm (which still freaks me out)!
Until Jas decided that she wanted to meet him... So I told him and basically:

"Haha yall should chill out. Im actually busy with something at the moment. Later."

There was no fucking later.

So I basically sat through three hours of Dreamscape and linking. And realised that the potential of anything happening anymore is... impossible.

I later wrote to him and said "dude, you totally bailed".

Then I went and saw Mamma Mia a second time with Julie and our angry friend. I still hate that movie with a passion.

By the way, Ellie, your last comment was spot on.
And Simon 'n Josh, normally I text other people but I'm not quite as obsessed with them as... well whatever guy I'm obsessed with at the moment. I just wanted to make sure you didn't think that all I do is text guys I like... (okay, that is sort of all I do.)

Nevermind, forget everything.

Monday, July 21, 2008

And He Speaks

IDG is worried about our age difference.
Shhh, promise you won't tell?


Hum, so I may have figured out what gets me stressed:


Which is sad, considering anything else would be normal and boys is just... juvenile. Anyway, two days ago, I woke up with three cold sores. And IDG still hasn't contacted me. I have a feeling that he may have checked my Facebook and realised that I was six years younger than him... Oh well.
Livia says to just stop caring.
And I have... ish. (stupid bastard).

Oh, and I did send him a text message.
Obviously he's ignoring me.
This is sad.
Nat/Alice/Syd- This will only last a while.

Me: "Hey info desk guy, if you're doing the whole 'wait three days thing', stop. If not, hello there."

Huh, what's that?
no reply.

Ugh, seriously, I need to find other stuff to write about.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

College Boys? Count me in!

So, when Nat, Barbie, and I went to have lunch with Chase on Monday, we had a little difficulty finding him. As a result, we spent a shitload of time at the Student Rec center. Where there was an Info Desk. With a hot Info Desk Guy :).

By the end of our time there, I had added IDG on Facebook. Today we started texting. The one big problem is that... Info Desk Guy is going to be a juniour in college. I'm just entering high school.

This is our conversation:

IDG: Was that you that walked by without saying hi? (We went to the college to go visit Chase for lunch)
Me: It might be, i didn't want to seem like a stalker. (honest)
IDG: It woulda been fine. What are you doin on campus? (he responded like TWENTY minutes later. I hate it when people do that)
Me: Soccer camp buddies. Plus i didnt want my high opinion of you tainted by hungover you.
Me: IDG, your non-texts are seriously uncool.
IDG: How old are you, Taff? (DAMN YOU, IDG! Response like 2 hours later)
Me: Depends, do i have to answer that? (I hate that question, you have no idea)
IDG: Haha yes. Why, is it a sensitive subject?
Me: Whenever i go and talk to hot guys (me being honest) they always ask me how old i am. it gets a little annoying :). (More than a little...)
Me: Then dont do anything to get yourself into trouble. (this is where i change the subject) (I actually texted that)
IDG: Punk. (cute)
Me: I don't know how to respond to that... (what, it's true!)
IDG: Okay, then gimme a general idea. High school? Junior high?
Me: High school. Feel better? (it's not a lie... i just haven't actually GONE to hs yet...)
IDG: Better, but not great. Youre cute though... (is this a comment justifying my youngness or just a compliment or an insult...)
Me: Thanks for that. And as long as youre feeling good(ish), i'm feeling good too.
IDG: Are you from around here?
Me: Yup. Houston born and raised. But i go to boarding school.
IDG: Where?
Me: Connecticut.
IDG: Damn. you should live it up this summer while you can. Do you drink?
Me: Yup. Never alone, though. (truth is I never really have the opportunity to drink. so duh, I always lie)
IDG: Maybe we should hang out, taff. (SCORE, MUTHAFUCKA! I think he's making fun of the signature i have at the end of every one of my texts...)
Me: Maybe we should. When are you free? (that's right! i cater 2u!)
IDG: Never, it seems. Haha this weekend sometime, though there are parties here every night. (Since when do the kids from that school party?)
IDG: I live over at (dorm name here) this summer, got a double room to myself cuz I'm a badass. Gets a little lonely sometimes. (is this an invitation?)
Me: I'm usually busy on weekends (oh yeah, hard to get, lol). And many parties means that youll be frequently hungover. Aw, lonely?
IDG: No, i'm usually not. Las night was ridiculous, not the norm. During the week then. Maybe. (maybe?)
Me: Haha, then we'll see.
IDG: Alright girl (for some reason, all the guys I know like to call me that). Ill keep in touch.
Me: Good.

So right now I'm iming one of my ex boyfriends, and listening to him make up a bunch of bullshit about being in rehab for doing "bad stuff". Turns out he's going to boarding school, too...
And my toilet's sweating.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sorry to Let Y'all Down

I think I'm friends with Gage again.
He's sick... I sort of ended up baking him cookies and dropping them off at his house.
I also dropped off cookies at Natalie's.
Sadly, I didn't really take the time to make them from scratch so they're sort of Pillsbury (which are still good).

Right now Gage & Barbie are arguing on the phone. She woke up and decided that she was over him :). Then she decided that she hated him... Good times.

By the way, Natalie, lunch with Kenzie, Barbie, Ginnie M., and Kate tomorrow.

Oh, and I thought I was going to get blue streaks in my hair. So I messaged SBSG asking if it was allowed. This time I don't think there were any spelling errors!

Me: Would I be able to gave blue hair? I actually fucked up there!
SBSG: What he actually seems sort of pissed off
Me: Have**
SBSG: Y would u do that I still hate his non-use of punctuation
Me: Actually I might just get streaks. Because I want to...
SBSG: No. That's really gay Is he saying that he won't let me have them?
Me: Is it allowed?
SBSG: Probably not
SBSG: And you would probably get lots of shit from kids for having blue hair
Me: Thanks for the tips. And i'm not dying it all the way blue.
SBSG: Don't do it at all Dude, WHY DO YOU CARE?
Me: Gage thinks you're right. We had a whole conversation about it.
SBSG: Gage?
Me: Yup.
SBSG: Who is that Getting a little possessive, eh?
Me: He's... A friend.
SBSG: ...A friend? Alright Sketch
Me: What do you mean? We've already established that I have friends.
SBSG: K well u seemed to be implying that he was a little more than a friend with the ... I HOPE YOU'RE JEALOUS, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Okay, I have no idea where that anger came from...
Me: Haha, oh well. What's up?
SBSG: Not too much. What's up with you
Me: On my way to drop off cookies at Natalie's house, lol. No reply.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Oh my Gage.

I think I just ended our friendship.

Friday, July 11, 2008

SBSG wants to SBS ME!

haha, actually the title made no sense at all.
but yeah, SBSG wants to hang out.

I'm not going to do a whole word for word convo reenactment like I usually do when I talk to him, but this is pretty accurate.

SBSG: Hey girl, you wana (UG! STOP WITH THE SINGULAR Ns, SBSG!)
Me: Maybe I will after you write my name in a text.
SBSG: ? (okay, I can SORT of understand why he's confused)
Me: How about a "Hey Taffy, what's up?" Or whatever the hell
SBSG: Hello Tafy. (how the fuck do you spell that wrong? I sent him the fucking spelling in a previous text!)
Me: Spelled it wrong, SBSG.
SBSG: Taffy
Me: So what do you want to do?
SBSG: I have the whole house to myself all weekend and a shitload of weed. (strike ONE)
SBSG: Wait, you don't have your license, do you?
Me: Nope. And I don't smoke weed so you're gonna have to hide that.
Me: Haha, either way, I'm busy all weekend. (clever dodge) Free any other time?
SBSG: Maybe. What the hell you doing all weekend (no punctuation... disbelief...)
Me: I have other friends.
SBSG: Haha that's good to know
Me: I'm sure it is.

So, fellow readers, should I take the plunge?
-hang out with SBSG and potentially get raped/ become a pothead/ develop a slutty reputation
-not hang out with SBSG and miss out on a possibly good relationship (or one with bragging rights)/ develop a cowardly reputation/ become known as a tightass

decisions are hard, huh?

I am Way Freaking Obsessed (WFO)

I hung out with Natalie today.
It was awesome!

Okay, well we swam :)

Life thus far has been pretty... boring.

Reply to Ellie: NOT going shopping with him. My crush on him sort of went WHOOOOOflop.

Yeah, Barbie sort of added Penn G. on Facebook (even though I told her not to). And I'm not super insecure or anything... but Barbie is REALLY pretty. I'm just sort of pretty. And she's flirty. And et cetera <-- does that make sense?.

Anyway, part of the reason I am so weird about this is because I am, essentially, way freaking obsessed. I get like this with guys. It happens about once a year (last year it was Taylor). Basically a guy who:
-has good abs
-is easy to talk to
-has a good face
-is older than me
-doesn't get super weirded out by me
... yeah, that's all that's really required.
But now if Penn figures this out, shit will hit the fan. (and I will spend a crapload of time obsessing over him & his girlfriend's third month anniversary since their second one was 2 days ago). Let's see how long this lasts, eh?

Sorry for the uber neurotic posts as of late.
I'll begin writing interesting, embarrasing posts again sometime soon!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Penn is... Gone.

Ugg, some Asian kid I know wants to go shopping with me.
Or I guess I can't really call him a kid, he's like seventeen.

Still, I shouldn't have flirted with him.
Next time I should think about it before I decide I like someone.

Penn is gone.
He left today at noon.
I had a doctor's appointment so I woke up early this morning to meet up with him.
We sat in his hotel room for like an hour and watched tv.

(wes is kinda cute, too).

While lying in his bed.
While he had his shirt off.
While his head was on my stomach.

He had to go to figure out flight stuff and work out so we parted ways. Later, it was like 11.20 and I had to go to my doctor's appointment. I ran up to his hotel room really quickly (my mom only gave me five minutes) and got a quick, really tight hug. After he had just gotten out of the shower (yeah, it was a little wet).

Later I got a text going
"Bye! I hoped you liked hanging with me as much as i liked hanging out with you"
"That depends, did you like hanging out with me?"


God, I need to meet people without any baggage.
I'm only fourteen!

I also need to get some sleep...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Taffy is... Dopey?

My neighbors (from the floor below us) have a grandson.
Actually, two, that I know of.

Penn & Wes G.

Wes is boring so we're not really going to talk about him.
Anyway, tonight (last night) whatever you want to call it, Penn G. & I snuck out and walked to the village. At 12.30 in the morning.

This time I didn't have to worry about the hobos, Penn is 16 and buff.
Augh, but I didn't know he was this awesome. We literally walked and talked until four in the morning (two hours were spent at the community or whatever area of my condo building). We gave massages (not in a perverted way) and sort of laid there. On top of each other. I don't really know how to write about the time that passed.

God, I am such a freak.

Except the stupid bastard has a girlfriend.
(which is why we didn't kiss)

syd, nat, alice, don't worry about me. i'm not in love.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How do You Say Slow Down?

So I recently went on an adding binge on Facebook.
Then I added some kid named Henry S.
(he's going to school with sydney next year)
Then it all sort of went downhill from that.
Summary of our convo:

Blah blah blah,
"you're really hot"
"oh... thanks?"
"am I hot"
"uhm, I haven't really looked through all of your pictures"
"go look"
"Henry, you fox!" (half lie, this guy isn't amazingly gorgeous...)
yadda yadda
"so do you have a bf?"
"um, i'm sort of dating someone" (LIE LIE LIE LIE)
"yeah, so idk if it's exclusive yet or if i'm allowed to date other people"
explanation explanation
"oh, so do you not like him"
"i like lots of people"
"do you like me"
"uhm, i don't know you that well yet"
"i'm going to chicago tomorrow"
"do you have a cell phone"
" (my number)"
"text me in chicago"
here i make up some lame excuse about only texting one person at a time.
"but you'll text me right?"
"we have to meet"
"um, okay"
"would you ever date me if we met or got to know each other better?"
"if timing works out, maybe"


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This Cameron Kid is WEIRD!

So there's this kid named Cameron.
He's like... Manny or Henry's friend or something like that.

Anyway, today he called me twice
(hung up twice)
and I got annoyed to the point where I called (got voicemail saying that it was Cameron). Then texted.

Here's our convo.
Don't ask me why I played along.

Me: Um, who is this? even though I already knew
Cameron: Ur secret sex buddy.
Me: Exciting.
Cameron: I no it will be.
Me: So how do you have my number?
Cameron: Y does it matter. Wat position do u like?
Me: Cowgirl.
Cameron: Sweet. I like anything thats painful 4 u.
Me: Great.
Cameron: Will u deep throught it?
Me: Nope.
Cameron: Damn. Well che tld me 2 ask. Where and wat time. And wat kind of condom do u want me 2 bring. obviously this kid knows people from our school, che is like this ongoing joke between everyone in the grade. except for che. who thinks people like him...
Me: Depends how big your dick is. Che is one hot hunk of man meat, are you sure you can beat that?
Cameron: Yea. I got an 8 incher.
Me: Ches is an eight and a half. Sorry, bud.
Cameron: How wide?
Me: 2.
Cameron: 3. More pain.
Me: How does that benefit me?
Cameron: Bigger orgasm and biger (SBSG IN THE MAKING?) 2 suck along w more pain.
Me: Lie.
Cameron: ?
Me: You Don't get a bigger orgasm from a bigger cock. It depends on the user.
Cameron: Well its more painful. GOD, What is this kid's sick obsession with pain?!
Me: Doesn't benefit me. Sorry, but i'm going to have to decline your offer.
Cameron: How doesnt that benefit you?
Me: Pain= not awesome.
Cameron: Thats the point of having sex. Ur supposed 2 do it so hard that u cry.
Me: Wow, I feel stupid.
Cameron: Yea so tonight im not goin 2 stop till ur bleeding and crying.
Me: I already declined.
Cameron: Well ur room works.
Me: What does that have to do with anything?
Cameron: That way you dnt have to do any work.
Me: How sweet of you.
Cameron: Yea. Start geting (sbsg) the ropes ready.
Me: Cuffs. Ropes blister.

This kid is a freak.
Any suggestions?
(and I know I should stop texting him but I don't want to look weak, so other suggestions)

Cliffs Notes- Spain

Okay, so everything I have to say about Spain is really quick because as you may have guessed, I am still lazy. Therefore I'm not going to take the time I should to write about events in Spain. I will give you a quick overview though :).

+Cam & I shared friendly pecks about twenty times.
+I got into an argument with my teacher (to the point where I started yelling and hyperventilating)
+Apparently Henry called and texted me multiple times while I was in Spain.
+Gage kissed a couple of ninth graders on the plane
+Barbie broke up with Gage
+That same night, Gage made out with a ninth grader three times
+Two days before the trip was over, Barbie & Gage reconnected.
+I met a bartender in his late twenties who still doesn't know how old I am
+I ate snails (shrieking each time... which probably gets a little annoying after 20 snails)
+My teacher called me desperate
+I met about twenty people
+I actually started talking to some people who I haven't spoken to all year
+I made connections with ninth graders
+I have an obsession with Portuguese tour guides named Tiago

That may be it.

Oh, well I have a cheerful anecdote for you to take with you after you're done reading this post:

In Barcelona, I met a group of people in our hotel. Basically, we sat outside in my hallway talking for about two hours. One of the kids started smoking and then was like, "Yeah, I haven't smoked pot in about a week". I didn't really know how to respond (our school is MEGA straightedge) so I went, "GOOD JOB! (enthusiastic thumbs up, smile w/ mouth open)".
Then, the girl went, "Yeah, I stopped smoking about a month ago. Turns out the pot my dealer was selling me was laced with coke". This totally freaked me out. Which explains my next reaction, "Oh, darn-o!"

Hope this brightened your day.