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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Penn is... Gone.

Ugg, some Asian kid I know wants to go shopping with me.
Or I guess I can't really call him a kid, he's like seventeen.

Still, I shouldn't have flirted with him.
Next time I should think about it before I decide I like someone.

Penn is gone.
He left today at noon.
I had a doctor's appointment so I woke up early this morning to meet up with him.
We sat in his hotel room for like an hour and watched tv.

(wes is kinda cute, too).

While lying in his bed.
While he had his shirt off.
While his head was on my stomach.

He had to go to figure out flight stuff and work out so we parted ways. Later, it was like 11.20 and I had to go to my doctor's appointment. I ran up to his hotel room really quickly (my mom only gave me five minutes) and got a quick, really tight hug. After he had just gotten out of the shower (yeah, it was a little wet).

Later I got a text going
"Bye! I hoped you liked hanging with me as much as i liked hanging out with you"
"That depends, did you like hanging out with me?"


God, I need to meet people without any baggage.
I'm only fourteen!

I also need to get some sleep...


Sydney said...

oh godd!

i want to see this yummy sex monster.



Anonymous said...

pretty cool blog :]

taffy. said...

shirtless massages too, my dear.

but that was the first night.

Alice said...

oh mah goodness!
he sounds even mooore sexxy!!
what do u mean his hotel room?
i thought he lived in your condo place?
he doesnt?!

Sydney said...


Livie23 said...

oooh! he sounds so sexy!!! that sucks that he left though. =[

Anonymous said...

Aww... Sexy and sweet, I can't blame you, he's irresistible!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Taffy, glad you're back. Intense it sounds with Penn. Hope it won't be too much drama..and um keep it cool with the new guy.

oh..and there is plenty of time to catch up on my blog.

ellie said...

So how do you really feel about Penn?

Anyway...ellie..lets see.
1. she went to a concert with Eric.
2. he dyed her hair black before they went.
3. she met his sister at the concert who was w/ her girlfriend.
4. she got home and her Mom had a cow when she saw her hair..thus, her trip to Texas to stay with her Great Aunt for a bit.

Oh..did I mention she hated the idea of seeing Kyle at the concert with Roxie?

Does that help?

ellie said...

Good, glad I could help.

Hope all is well with Pen, but keep your options open. & will you go shopping with you know who? Just put the flirt on low..this time around.