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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, July 11, 2008

SBSG wants to SBS ME!

haha, actually the title made no sense at all.
but yeah, SBSG wants to hang out.

I'm not going to do a whole word for word convo reenactment like I usually do when I talk to him, but this is pretty accurate.

SBSG: Hey girl, you wana (UG! STOP WITH THE SINGULAR Ns, SBSG!)
Me: Maybe I will after you write my name in a text.
SBSG: ? (okay, I can SORT of understand why he's confused)
Me: How about a "Hey Taffy, what's up?" Or whatever the hell
SBSG: Hello Tafy. (how the fuck do you spell that wrong? I sent him the fucking spelling in a previous text!)
Me: Spelled it wrong, SBSG.
SBSG: Taffy
Me: So what do you want to do?
SBSG: I have the whole house to myself all weekend and a shitload of weed. (strike ONE)
SBSG: Wait, you don't have your license, do you?
Me: Nope. And I don't smoke weed so you're gonna have to hide that.
Me: Haha, either way, I'm busy all weekend. (clever dodge) Free any other time?
SBSG: Maybe. What the hell you doing all weekend (no punctuation... disbelief...)
Me: I have other friends.
SBSG: Haha that's good to know
Me: I'm sure it is.

So, fellow readers, should I take the plunge?
-hang out with SBSG and potentially get raped/ become a pothead/ develop a slutty reputation
-not hang out with SBSG and miss out on a possibly good relationship (or one with bragging rights)/ develop a cowardly reputation/ become known as a tightass

decisions are hard, huh?


Anonymous said...

that's hard
you could risk it
just pass on the weed.

Anonymous said...

hm........ this is a toughy.

Sydney said...

yes. yes it is.

me thinks, play hard to get.

like, next time he asks, YOU do the "sorry, i'm buys" blahalbalabhalbhh

and then next time you do!

a ha!

Anonymous said...

Hm... hard to tell...

ellie said...

You know what to do. You have a level head. And you know you want to be treated right. Don't settle for anything under your standards.

Anonymous said...

Ellie that was great! :D

Livie23 said...

hmmm. decisions, decisions...

taffy. said...

thank you guys.

ellie, that comment was amazing, lol
(i'm not even kidding)

ellie said...

Good, glad I could help.

I was so trying to go for the last entry I wrote in "ellie".

Sydney said...


strong and wisdom-ic words!

Anonymous said...

Auf Wiedersehen!

See you when I get back from Germany, on the 23.

Until then,

Cait said...

you've been tagged!her adventurous life!

abby :) said...

go for it. your only young once. just don't go too caught up in anything.