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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Another One?!

OH MY GOD! There's a hot Asian in my grade! Like, I met him the first night, and I thought he was hot, but then I thought that that was just first night weirdness. But now I've confirmed it with other people (even white people!) ROBIN IS FUCKING HOT (for an Asian). It's undeniable. Today we had like four stare-downs. This was just a little rant...

Back to the real reason for this post.

It started in the locker room.
One of my team mates, who's a sophomore, asked me who my boyfriend was.
And it wasn't like... rude, since she's super sweet.
"Um... I'm not going out with anyone right now. Why?"
"Oh, nothing."
"No wait, tell me."
"Well... there's some rumours going around about..."
"Oh. I know. Yeah... Hunter, right?"
"Yeah, but I stood up for you. Because I was like, guys, if you ever met Taffy, you'd know that she's one of the sweetest people and she'd never do that. He has a girlfriend."
"Yeah, I know. (awkward laugh)"

SO then I decided that I couldn't be friends with Hunter anymore. Like, I'm one of the "sweetest people", WTF? I've never been one of the sweetest people! And I definitely don't want to ruin this girl's opinion of me... it's like having a little puppy (but not an annoying one) dislike you! So we had another text conversation. This one is really short.

Me: I don't think I can talk to you anymore.
Hunter: Perche
Me: Apparently sophomores are saying shit about me so... yeah. Was that latin?
Hunter: No, Italian. And I'm getting much worse shit than u but I'm not ignoring u
Me: I'm not ignoring you. But when it gets to the point that people you don't even know say shit, something's wrong with the picture.
Hunter: That doesn't mean u can't talk to me
Me: It means I should stop.

No response. Like... ever.
But I don't WANT this friendship to be over.
It's just like... I don't want to be "that girl"
(bitch girl)

I think I'll text him saying that's a lame excuse and we'll like... talk it out?

Oh, and I talked to a couple of guys today.
One of them told me this story about how one of Hunter's friends went up to him, randomly, and said "Dude, your girlfriend is fucking ugly."


Sydney said...


(this is to hunter, by the way...)

Anonymous said...

who cares what the sophmores say? doesn't mean you & hunter can't be friends! i like hearing this stuff :)

tell more about Robin!!

Natalie said...

taffy!!!! i love you and miss you!! can't wait to talk to you!!

Livie23 said...

Robin sounds hot! ;] Dont you hate it when people you dont know start saying shit behind your back? as far as people at my school are concerned, it's impossible for a girl and a guy to be friends. =[ I hope everything works out ok with hunter. <=]