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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just kidding, I pretty much love you guys.
Our English teacher drove us to Starbucks this morning :)

I ran the full three miles.
Piece of cake.
Even though I'm still fat.


Okay, so I don't exactly know... but it's a cohesive costume.
I bought some sort of jumpsuit thing from Walmart...
Fake, fingerless, leather gloves.
It's like a biker-dude (dude, not chick) outfit.

Not attractive, at all.

But I'm feeling hot.

What are you guys?


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween!

Um...a punk pink wig..mainly. Just loved the hairdo. You know.

Have fun.

Livie23 said...

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! =] I WAS going to be an Ipod, but i left my costume outside to dry, because i had just spraypainted it, and it POURED. so yesterday i was forced to run out and get a last minute costume. its not too bad. i shredded a pair of scrubs, threw red paint on it, painted my nails black, and now consider myself a cliche vampire. not bad for a half hour's work. <=] enjoy your halloween! =]

Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween baby!
I'm so jealous. You don't get to celebrate Halloween here --' Sucky.

You're costume sounds awesome!
And congrats on the 3 mile run :)

Anonymous said...

I meant *We don't get to celebrate Halloween here
I'm so freaking dyslexic

Anonymous said...

You are probably a lot sexier than you even know..which makes it all the better.


Cate said...

Hey Taff! Thanks for loving us, we luv you back <3
C'mon. I'm sure you're not fat. If you're a runner.
Cool, dressing up for a biker DUDE instead of CHICK is a change.!
I didn't do anything special on Halloween... Watched a few movies.

Isabella said...

happy belated halloween! i stopped my blog, then started one. and now im stopping it. again. and then im planning to start a new one. as soon as i think of a title. i was a flapper for halloween. your biker costume sounds very interesting(:

Anonymous said...

i was thing 2 with Maria. and i loovee that idea of the biker-dude :)
very cool :)

Anonymous said...

thank you for the comfort of that comment :)
hope everything is going well.