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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Too Many Signs

So I'm probably hooking up with SBSG this Friday.
I promise this is not to:
+make Hunter jealous
+become more "advanced" (trust me, I'm fine with where I'm at)
+spark a relationship
And I've already considered that:
+guys talk
+I may become the slut to all the juniours
+he may try to get me to go farther than I want to go
+I'm horny

That's basically it. And that should show you just how horny I am!
But um... Hunter knows.

Or not WHO SBSG is, but he asked me if I wanted to hang out Friday night.
I said no. I'm busy. And of course I told him that I was going to hook up with a guy because I'm ME for god's sake. That doesn't make it a reason for my hook-uppage with SBSG, but isn't it just so tempting to tell? And he obviously cared.
Seriously, he spent a lot of time trying to get me to tell him who SBSG was.

SO... now we're having this conversation.

Me: Done (with sports).
Hunter: I can't hang out now, sorry. (the fuck? did I SAY that I wanted to hang out?!)
Me: Dude, it's Monday. I can never hang out Monday. (total BS but I wanted the last word)
Hunter: Come to my dorm (NOW he wants to hang? Hells to the no.)
Me: When? (playing dumb)
Hunter: Now.
Me: It's Monday. I'll see you tonight. (we're eating breakfast)
Hunter: What? U just said u could. Come on.
Me: I just said I was done. Not that I wasn't busy.
Hunter: OMB (hehehe, another typo boy) u r such a tease
Me: A tease of what? Hanging out?
Hunter: U lead me to believe that u would hang out now
Me: How? I even specifically said that i can't hang out on Mondays.
Hunter: U said meet me at the bench. (yes, "the" bench. we have a bench). That is hang out talk.
Me: When did I say meet me at the bench?
Hunter: When we went to the X. U said meet me out there
Me: Yeah. To walk back.
Hunter: R u gonna hang out now or what
Me: What.
Hunter: God ur boring
Me: I'm aware. See ya tonight :)
Hunter: Good night. And what is happening with the junior?
Me: I already told you. What else do you want to know?
Me: And wtf, good night?
Hunter: I just said that to show that I don't care about u (THE FUCK KIND OF RESPONSE IS THIS?!). And I wanna know his name and how much farther u are with him
Me: That is such a pointless answer. What do you mean "how much farther"? In relation to what?
Hunter: Where u were when I got the cuff links
Me: In planning?
Hunter: No, in hooking up with the guy
Me: I'm still sick.
Hunter: Bs. Jump the guy.
Me: Hunter, don't be a tool.
Hunter: How am I being a tool? This is not at all what a tool is.
Me: You're being a tool. I'm going to go. See you tonight.
Hunter: Can't u just spare 30 minutes
Me: For what?
Hunter: Hanging out.

This time I got to be the one who doesn't reply.
In fact, this is the time I decided to take a shower, instead.
The thing is, even if he DID dump his girlfriend to be with me (btw, she is random girl from the other night), I would say no.
I'm not even kidding. I genuinely have logical reasons for this decision.


Natalie said...

taffy ur hot. have fun in sex land.

Natalie said...

hahahahahha woah thatt sounds creeperesque.


Anonymous said...

WHAT ARE THE TWO REASONS?! come on im dying to know! hah. sounds like Hunter's jealous :)

cady said...

LOL. You crack me up.

What a conversation. It sounds exactly like what these two friends I have do.

Sydney said...