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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

College Boys? Count me in!

So, when Nat, Barbie, and I went to have lunch with Chase on Monday, we had a little difficulty finding him. As a result, we spent a shitload of time at the Student Rec center. Where there was an Info Desk. With a hot Info Desk Guy :).

By the end of our time there, I had added IDG on Facebook. Today we started texting. The one big problem is that... Info Desk Guy is going to be a juniour in college. I'm just entering high school.

This is our conversation:

IDG: Was that you that walked by without saying hi? (We went to the college to go visit Chase for lunch)
Me: It might be, i didn't want to seem like a stalker. (honest)
IDG: It woulda been fine. What are you doin on campus? (he responded like TWENTY minutes later. I hate it when people do that)
Me: Soccer camp buddies. Plus i didnt want my high opinion of you tainted by hungover you.
Me: IDG, your non-texts are seriously uncool.
IDG: How old are you, Taff? (DAMN YOU, IDG! Response like 2 hours later)
Me: Depends, do i have to answer that? (I hate that question, you have no idea)
IDG: Haha yes. Why, is it a sensitive subject?
Me: Whenever i go and talk to hot guys (me being honest) they always ask me how old i am. it gets a little annoying :). (More than a little...)
Me: Then dont do anything to get yourself into trouble. (this is where i change the subject) (I actually texted that)
IDG: Punk. (cute)
Me: I don't know how to respond to that... (what, it's true!)
IDG: Okay, then gimme a general idea. High school? Junior high?
Me: High school. Feel better? (it's not a lie... i just haven't actually GONE to hs yet...)
IDG: Better, but not great. Youre cute though... (is this a comment justifying my youngness or just a compliment or an insult...)
Me: Thanks for that. And as long as youre feeling good(ish), i'm feeling good too.
IDG: Are you from around here?
Me: Yup. Houston born and raised. But i go to boarding school.
IDG: Where?
Me: Connecticut.
IDG: Damn. you should live it up this summer while you can. Do you drink?
Me: Yup. Never alone, though. (truth is I never really have the opportunity to drink. so duh, I always lie)
IDG: Maybe we should hang out, taff. (SCORE, MUTHAFUCKA! I think he's making fun of the signature i have at the end of every one of my texts...)
Me: Maybe we should. When are you free? (that's right! i cater 2u!)
IDG: Never, it seems. Haha this weekend sometime, though there are parties here every night. (Since when do the kids from that school party?)
IDG: I live over at (dorm name here) this summer, got a double room to myself cuz I'm a badass. Gets a little lonely sometimes. (is this an invitation?)
Me: I'm usually busy on weekends (oh yeah, hard to get, lol). And many parties means that youll be frequently hungover. Aw, lonely?
IDG: No, i'm usually not. Las night was ridiculous, not the norm. During the week then. Maybe. (maybe?)
Me: Haha, then we'll see.
IDG: Alright girl (for some reason, all the guys I know like to call me that). Ill keep in touch.
Me: Good.

So right now I'm iming one of my ex boyfriends, and listening to him make up a bunch of bullshit about being in rehab for doing "bad stuff". Turns out he's going to boarding school, too...
And my toilet's sweating.


Sydney said...

you mean, dylan?!!!

taffy. said...

Nope, pierce.

ellie said...

Thanks Taffy, I'll remember that about Lonnie.

Thanks for making me smile today.

Remember, be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

You really know how to find them..or is it they find you?

cady said...

Ahhh. Hot IDG. Lucky.


Thanks for the comment. :)

ellie said...

So you haven't updated. Just hope you are having fun somewhere and not troubles.