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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sorry to Let Y'all Down

I think I'm friends with Gage again.
He's sick... I sort of ended up baking him cookies and dropping them off at his house.
I also dropped off cookies at Natalie's.
Sadly, I didn't really take the time to make them from scratch so they're sort of Pillsbury (which are still good).

Right now Gage & Barbie are arguing on the phone. She woke up and decided that she was over him :). Then she decided that she hated him... Good times.

By the way, Natalie, lunch with Kenzie, Barbie, Ginnie M., and Kate tomorrow.

Oh, and I thought I was going to get blue streaks in my hair. So I messaged SBSG asking if it was allowed. This time I don't think there were any spelling errors!

Me: Would I be able to gave blue hair? I actually fucked up there!
SBSG: What he actually seems sort of pissed off
Me: Have**
SBSG: Y would u do that I still hate his non-use of punctuation
Me: Actually I might just get streaks. Because I want to...
SBSG: No. That's really gay Is he saying that he won't let me have them?
Me: Is it allowed?
SBSG: Probably not
SBSG: And you would probably get lots of shit from kids for having blue hair
Me: Thanks for the tips. And i'm not dying it all the way blue.
SBSG: Don't do it at all Dude, WHY DO YOU CARE?
Me: Gage thinks you're right. We had a whole conversation about it.
SBSG: Gage?
Me: Yup.
SBSG: Who is that Getting a little possessive, eh?
Me: He's... A friend.
SBSG: ...A friend? Alright Sketch
Me: What do you mean? We've already established that I have friends.
SBSG: K well u seemed to be implying that he was a little more than a friend with the ... I HOPE YOU'RE JEALOUS, YOU SON OF A BITCH! Okay, I have no idea where that anger came from...
Me: Haha, oh well. What's up?
SBSG: Not too much. What's up with you
Me: On my way to drop off cookies at Natalie's house, lol. No reply.


Sydney said...

yea but what happened that made him so mad?

i'm still inthe dark ;(

e-mail me!

Sydney said...


i'm back.

Raigan said...

hahahahaha this makes me laugh only becuase i JUST got off the phone after having a conversation with my boyfriend bout dying my hair like dark browinsh...

went pretty much the same...i hate how boys dont say mean things they just say them meanly..."whatever i dont care" when u know they care hella lot!
