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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

oh wow!

i'm actually getting comments.
this is fantastic :)
i got a sixty six on a math quiz
(i doubt anyone in my family has ever scored below an eighty on ANYTHING)
i haven't spoken to either
since... forever.
its official, i don't have guy troubles,
i'm simply insane.

yesterday, i went to the rodeo with my sister, frank (her fiancee), two of their friends, and jake (fiancee's sexy friend with an amazing accent).
I thought it was going to suck because they're all about twice my age. BUT, I was talking to Jake pretty much the whole time and he's a fantastic listener with a fantastic laugh. (No, I'm not considering anything). I managed to embarrass myself by spilling ketchup on my white coat... TWICE. Jake laughed and cracked a joke about me having the mind of a twenty five year old (thrilling) and the body of a nine year old (not so thrilling...). I also gained about five hundred pounds via deep fried banana blueberry twinky and deep fried oreo.
so worth it.
Anyways, I also ran into the main group of the cranberries there! It was incredibly scary and kind of depressing. Bee yelled my name and I turned around. I SWEAR, IT WAS AN AMBUSH!
Aubrey asked me which one Frank was so I yelled at Frank and he turned (lots of yelling...).
Then, Aubrey made sort of a face, but masked it quickly.

Okay, so Frank isn't the most attractive of all men ever... but he's not particularly ugly, so she had NO reason to make that face. The worst part was that I felt sort of embarrassed by him and ran off to go show the cranberries some amazing artwork done by a kindergartener. Which is sad because I'm pretty sure the kindergartener (or gardener... idk) was more talented then me. Then I said adieu and I ran back to the group I was with. Who were all twice my age and it was a Friday night, go figure.

Later on I realised how incredibly pissed at myself I was for my reaction to Aubrey's face. Ugh, I seriously need to stop caring what others think.

Towards the end, Gage texted me asking if I was going over to Henry's (business class boy) to watch Oklahoma (which I have a large part in, thank you very much) tomorrow. I was still majorly pissed at him so I said no.

My parents just got back from Chile today and I've already managed to disappoint them.
Fantastic, no?

ugh, Gage just sent me a picture of himself where he looks really hot.
i still hate him.

I'll explain the Airplane metaphor in my next post.


Mari said...

no, david archuleta.
but i like david cook too(:

okay, i added a link of your blog onto my pagee.

haha yeah, i know!
i like reading about people too.
there are seriously a million fashion blogs.

Natalie said...
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Karine said...

Taffy,you're as funny as natalie!
Never stop writing!

And..This Gage is pretty famous ahn?I've been reading about him on Natalie's blog.

Hope you visit me!

Sure let's trade links!


Olivia said...

Love your blog! Don't worry, I live in a family of super-smart people, too. (:

Trade links?