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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Urgh, for some reason, the space bar on my laptop is acting up so I have to push it down very forcefully to create these lovely spaces that seperate words for your reading pleasure :)
JK, i like writing :)

SO, airplane metaphor, eh
now you get to read my creepy observations on people's looks...:
1st Class(popular/ jocks):
  • Barbie- your typical dumb blonde. She's fantastic, however. She's really nice and honest. Guys tend to have crushes on her or Kate. Really good body (tiny waist, huge breast-ises, et cetera).
  • Kate- According to Gage, doesn't have the best face... (i disagree). Really touchy feely but no one suspects her of being a lesbian. Doesn't really talk, but when she does, the has things to say. Apparently, her house is her sisters' friends' drinking house. Great legs. Dirty blonde hair.
  • Sharon- Champion swimmer at this country club everyone goes to. Really nice. Tan, brown hair, brown eyes, but also really pretty.
  • Kenzie- Blonde. Used to be favourite in boy- crushes, but according to Gage, "she got acne so her face is gross, still she has a really hot body". Extremely bubbly personality, lively and nice to everyone.
  • Sydney- little short blonde girl. Feisty. Curly hair, and incredibly cute and nice. Has some issues, but not psychotic ones. One of my best friends.
  • Ginnie- The grade bitch, essentially. Kind of squat... She's nicer this year, though. Brown hair, brown eyes. Really rich and likes to flaunt it. Parents own a fantastic restaurant.
  • Chuck- sort of short, but really good body. Big on sports. Soccer star. Extremely flirty, Kate's had a crush on him for forever but it seems that Barbie is his girl of choice (making out choice). Gorgeous eyes, likes to sit in the back of Spanish class and "accidentally" grab my boobs. He's hot so he gets away with it.
  • Wesley- So incredibly sweet. Blonde hair, blue eyes, boyish face. Slight... acne. Really good at track although he doesn't really enjoy running. Next to my locker, I give him a daily hug :)
  • George J.- Not actually part of this group. Cracks jokes with terrible delivery. Thinks he's popular. Is really nice and puppy- doggish but waaaaay annoying.
  • Natalie's Five- foot- one ex- OBSESSED with Chuck. They tend to touch each other in class and say they're kidding. The rest of the grade is not so convinced. Looks like Natalie Portman with his hair slicked back.
  • Chase- Short and pervy. Another chuck worshipper. Pre- puberic yet, somehow, the object of many's affections.

Business Class (your girls):

  • Taffy- Yours truly. Short, asian, sluttish acting and relatively friendly. Talks trash and doesn't do anything about it.
  • Sam- Okay, so the guys don't like her so much. She's the member of our group who is really easy to make fun of. Picky about food, obsessive about pickles... et cetera. Black and a dancer... with a slight pot belly.
  • Alice- lovely girl. Deep down, maaajor self esteem issues. The girl that is nice to everyone but confrontational about things she cares about. We never quite know whats going through alice's mind. Hispanic w/ good body and secondmost flirty.
  • Natalie- Fantastic baker. Loves drama. A young Martha Stewart who I can talk to about anything. Really really good body (like Barbie's, but she doesn't show it off)
  • Gage- Blonde hair, blue eyes. Your all american boy. I call him my best friend, but a recent assessment of our relationship has lead me to believe otherwise. I might be his best friend though... Really cocky. Used to have self esteem issues, but now I'm not so sure.
  • Henry- Me in a guy version. Except attractive and more rock-ish. Dark hair, easy to talk to. School crush. Almost six foot one. Really sporty and kind of skinny but in a hot way. Slight dandruff... I would still bang him :)
  • Joe- RIPPED. Although I'm pretty sure he's only five one. Intense blue eyes, really good at math. Kind of twitchy, but not in an annoying way. Partially first class and me & nat are pretty sure all the guys have man crushes on him.
  • Manny- The current person on the receiving end of Alice's affections. I've backed off. Hot bod. I'm pretty sure part of his brain was lost in hitting puberty so quickly... Sweet and flirty.
  • Penn- My favourite of all of our business class boys. Really sweet, kind of reminds me of Dopey, but in an adorable way. Plays guitar along with Henry and Gage. Used to have a HUGE crush on him. Really smart and kind of spaztic about grades. Soft, brown hair. Brown eyes? Pale, but also, ripped.
  • Calvin- Natalie's soul mate. And this isn't solely for her, I truly believe that they will end up together. Brown hair, soulful brown eyes. One of my best friends and reads me spiderman comics when I'm down.
  • There are others, but I'm probably not going to talk about them. Further classifications will be given in other posts.

Economy Class (the geeks):

  • Sharon R.- Really nice. Short and has over fifty allergies. Slight hypocrite.
  • CJ- Indian. Sporty. Nice to talk to and, for some reason, Gage hates her.
  • Mary- Annoying, gossip queen. For some reason, we find Sam ditching us for her.
  • Three Z's- Triplets. Andy- GORGEOUS, Eli- Looks A TAD bit like Dan Radcliffe, Dave- Curly Brown hair, really musical, but high pitched voice...
  • Harris- INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. Thinks he's smarter than me, but incapable of making A's without studying. I can.
  • Che- Hangs around our Business Class boys but they all hate him. Slightly (EXTREMELY) pervy and stalkerish. The type of guy who thinks everybody is racist towards him and doesn't accept the fact that he's just hated for his personality.


The Stewards (previous business class):

  • Cherie- Gage's ex. Bitchy. Tiny boobs but wears bras that are too big for her and push her "boobs" up to her collarbone. With padding to the max.
  • Bee- Lucy's twin. Looks like a teddy bear, but not even half as friendly. Really fake and confrontational. Can't keep normal hair for two weeks without high-lighting it first.
  • Lucy- Bee's really pretty twin. Nice, but hates me as well. Same as Bee with the hair.
  • Aubrey- Bee's best friend. Used to stick up for her- ish but now I'm not so sure. Brown hair, brown eyes. Slight acne. Pretty nice to me but IDK.
  • Nat. A- not to be mistaken for natalie. long and skinny, incredibly soccer player, but she has a heart problem... walking buddy in P.E.
  • Julie- My FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE steward. And she's only one because she hangs out with them. We have lots of conversations and stuff. She has honey brown hair and is convinced I'm a vampire. She is also in a cold war with Gage.

Sorry, the descriptions kind of died in the end. I got tired so I suppose I should get a nap and FINALLY start my homework.

Maybe I'll write about my relationship with my madre next.


Natalie said...
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Sydney said...

what? i though ti was a floater?!