My photo
I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

I Suppose I'm Tagged, Eh?

Tagged By: Olivia

Here are the rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules in your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged bloggers' blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

So here are the facts:

1. Six is my least favourite number. No, it has nothing to do with "666" or whatever, I simply don't like the number. I didn't like it before I learned of its symbolic meaning, I still don't like it. I was seriously considering changing all the link things to seven.
2. I crack my knuckles. A lot. Sometimes I do it just to piss people off.
3. I tend to procrastinate until the last day. Like right now, while I'm supposed to be working on some reee-tard cube project, I'm doing this.
4. I'm terrible at keeping my own secrets, however, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets of others. Doesn't seem like that's possible, but it is.
5. Sometimes I bite my dog. There's no reason behind it, I just do.
6. I hold grudges. If you stole the pink construction paper in third grade, I still hate you.

So here are the links:

This is Natalie Bright
The Heights
Confessions of a Teenage Wannabe
I Need More Drama
Diary of a Third World Fashionista
Uber Chic


ineedmoredrama said...

thanks for tagging me. i have another tag i need to complete before this. just goes to show how much i procrastinate! so i'm with you on point no 3 :)

Lauren said...

ooh i love cracking my knukles too! (and my back)