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I give a lot of information about myself here, but I'm supposed to remain anonymous. I figure none of you care enough to go to great lengths to figure out who I actually am. I'm at a boarding school. I think in an idealised fashion. Like most people my age, I've decided I'm more fucked up than I actually am. I like texts at midnight but I like getting letters more. I'm more intelligent than I appear on this blog, but I don't try as hard as I need to. I like boys. Try not to expect too much from me, I'm also a total flake.

Monday, April 7, 2008

what goes up must come down.

in this case the thing coming back down is...

my life.

UGH. This is so stupid.

It may seem like I'm making a big deal about everything.

And to Nat and stuff, it probably does.
I agree, I probably am.

Gage told CHE, of all people, (Gage once told Che something KNOWING that Che would tell people in order to break up with Cherie) about the Taylor pictures.

I talked to Natalie about this during lunch and she's like, "Wait, what do you call him, fat, fatass, woman, chubby, chubbycheeks, what are the others?"

Basically, she said it like I deserved it.

Hello, GAGE CALLS ME STUFF BACK. Even if I don't react to his name calling as much, it isn't fucking justified.

Second of all Nat, I'm seriously wondering if you have some sort of secret hatred for me. (This isn't calling you out or anything, I could just be paranoid and this could just be your personality)

When I started this blog I promised myself I would write the truth. I was seriously debating not doing so because you and Syd are the only two people who I actually KNOW who are reading this. And y'all are huge parts of my life. I just got off the phone with you. And yeah, I feel sort of bad about this (and I don't expect you to change yourself or anything), but the whole excitement you get from Alice's sister's hatred for me kind of sets of an alarm. I can understand the whole Jordache thing, but I'm still sort of confused about this.

Reason why I'm pissed: I told Gage not to tell anyone about Taylor and also the m.o. session in P.E.

Somehow, people have already found out about both.


Also, Calvin told Alice about how Gage & I have kissed more than once.

Result: This Text from Alice-

Ok. Confession time. Yesterday i found out how even after my sis called u n cussed u out about u having made out wit gage, u kept making out wit him, completely ignoring how hurt i had felt then. I had gotten over it, but when i found out yesterday that u didnt stop i got mad/sad all over again. I didnt think u'd do that 2 me. I started crying n all that other shit. B4 that, i had no intentions of getting revenge on you. But then i woke up evil, like seriously wanting 2 ruin your life. I seriously considered it but now I don't want 2. Because as pissed as i am at u i dont wanna do that. And about gage telling ppl about u 2 making out... U shouldnt have done it if u didnu want anyone 2 find out about it later. It was bound to happen. And i'm sorry that this is all happening to you. About ppl finding out and stuff. And i'm telling u rite now that i wont be able 2 trust u the same again like i did b4. I want u and gage 2 make up. I love you taff. And i don't want evryone 2 see you as something else 4 my own benefits. I cant think of the other things i was gonna tell you. React how ever you want to. I want you to be honest with me.

AHHHH! THIS TEXT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH THAT YOU HAVE NO IDEA!Here Alice goes, being an amazing friend, and apologises for having RUDE THOUGHTS. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?NO!

Alice is amazing.

And the rest of my life has sort of gone to hell. And for some reason I
actually think I can talk to Henry about this crap. And I was coming
extremely close to telling him my feelings for him (before Gage decides to
pull and asshole stunt) even though I've made them so obvious that I'd
probably stop crushing on him if he hadn't realised them before I told him. (not really, i'd make up some excuse).
Hm... I had more to write about but then my mother had a freak out and I had to leave the computer in case she read this. Which would be extremely bad...Thank God I have friends outside of school.And Nat, I'm sorry if this seems bitchy and such and such and you probably don't have "cruel intentions" but i'm a retard.


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